The Reverie (Trance) Species in Lithos | World Anvil

The Reverie (Trance)

The reverie is the true word for the state referred to as trance and by some is considered to be somewhat of a mental energy shield. It is a state of being, when one is pleasantly lost in one’s thoughts. During this time an elf can recall and relive any moment of their lives. Looking to relive a beautiful moment of peace or replaying an old lesson to further practice the teachings from their master. One could reasonably assume this is why elves may take such attention to detail, often seeming to be drifting off in conversation or spending hours investigating a single flower. The elven brain and body are far more naturally attuned to the weave than most other humanoids. It is believed this is due to the long history the elvish people have with the feywild as it is considered their first ancestral home on the prime material plane. The use of the reverie begins as early as the babies first moments in the womb. A mother will use her reverie to strengthen the connection with her child, as she recalls her family, their history, secrets of the world and as many languages as possible. From birth to until 30 winters have passed an elf is able to recall memories of the first, from Arvandor when they existed as primal spirits in heaven, amongst the earliest of creation. This is a time of peace, bliss and total oneness with the entire elven race as they existed alongside Corellon and the Seldarine gods. It is considered poor taste to discuss these memories with the elders, in truth all elves long for to re-join with all the others within Arvandor and to discuss these memories serves only to bring melancholy into their lives. These memories are also how the elves know their place in the world very well and truly understand their gods disappointment with them. Once reaching the age of 30 we see the age of adolescence begin, a time called ‘the first reflection’. Over the next 70 years the memories of Arvandor slowly fade from an elves mind as they begin to be replaced with experiences from their current life.   Adulthood is found at age 100 in an event called ‘The Drawing of the Veil’, a sad moment for any elf. Losing the ability to recall the moments of pure joy and oneness is difficult for any being that must experience such an event. To help offset this sadness they will often hold a celebration on any elf reaching 100 winters to commemorate them moving into adulthood. Now is the time to head into the world and create incredible new adventures and memories to reflect upon within their reverie, as they seek perfection to one day atone and be allowed back into Arvandor and Corellon’s embrace.   At 400 winters elves enter ‘The Revelation’ where their reverie begins to fill with the incredible memories of their past lives. Watching and experiencing the many journeys their soul has been through in their cycles of reincarnation most elves see a shift in themselves and their focus. These visions move them to look more towards their community, their place in the multiverse and ultimately in returning to Arvandor. Here we may see elves begin to take on some minor mentorship roles, or tending to the vast cities and the beginning of their families. The final stage in an elves life is that of ‘Transcendence’, which is signaled by downward shaped crescent moon cataracts appearing in their eyes. These moons appearing signals that the moonbow has begun preparing the gate to open so their soul can be welcomed to Arvandor. This could be hours or years from the first appearance. There are several things that speed this up, such as a more vigorous adventuring life, the same soul having died more often or finally, spending a large amount of time in the feywild. Should an elf not have the transcendence occur many believe they have been denied entry to Arvandor and their souls will wander the planes, lost to the heavens, never to be reincarnated. This is usually due to blasphemous worship of a god outside of the seldarine, which is why most consider the souls of all drow to be lost, despite them being full blooded.


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