Ei'tarnium in Lislow | World Anvil
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"It's magic motherfucker, M.A.G.I.C."

The most simplified way of explaining it would be to call it 'Energy'. The Power to Change, manipulate, control, aid, or destroy. It is what powers the universe itself and in some perspectives, *is* the universe itself, but all that is sure, is that Ei'tarnium Massu is what allows the Beings of Power to create and shape the Universe and what the mortal races use to manipulate and change it, but even so because of how differently it manifests in different regions and dimensions, even that can be debated. Coming in many forms in the universe, its arguably most interesting form is taken takes on Lislow where it was scientifically experimented with to give it a sense of sentience and meaning, before accidentally being released.


Known locally as simply “SoulBurn”, On Lislow, Ei'tarnium became a parasite-like force that evolved/mutated the planet’s animals and plants once it was fully unleashed. In an energy form it was introduced to the planet in a large wave of microscopic parasites known for its highly telepathic and adaptive abilities as it evolves and reproduces in foreign environments, while also capable of finding a suitable host to latch onto. Doing so aided with its psychic tendencies, it must be able to connect with the host on a mental level or it will reject the host and go back to where it came. It is not uncommon for more than one type of parasite to be on the same host, but both can never reach their full potential without merging into one. Although the parasite itself can adapt to any natural environment the host’s body cannot and will always have an affinity to whatever aspect of Ei'tarnium they first connected with.


Once it had sunk into the planet, its course was shifted wildly. Specifically, it mutated each ethnicity and species to its surroundings, but in the way, it changed everyone it also changed the way they lived their lives entirely. Not only did it completely derail most scientific and technological innovations as the focus shifted mainly to SoulBurning in the span of a century, but by giving them an almost endless source of reality-bending power both ultimately corrupted and altered the very people themselves by forcing them to evolve to a state they weren’t nearly ready for another probable thousand of years.


Similar to the Talthorians, it has unique properties for Lislanders. On Lislow, Ei'tarnium converts itself to the element most common in its adapted environment to an energy which can be then used in an innumerable amount of ways, most notably is the way a host can use the excess energy they have to do something that is commonly known widely as Soulburn, but more specifically as Casting, Imbuing and Enhancing. The energy is released using concentration, incantations, and specific movements. It is also possible to store and release it in different ways. Lislowian SoulBurning and its uses of Ei'tarnium are someone of the most complicated and hardest to learn in the universe, but it has almost the most potential for creative and unusual use than almost any other.

Ei'tarnium and the manipulating of it is called many things in the galaxy, 'Magic', 'Chakra', 'Life Juice', 'Blessings', 'Touch', 'Powerforce', but on Lislow its know as 'Soul Burn'.

Ei'tarnium: SoulEnergy
The biproduct of SoulBurning, an energy a Lislander can use to power their preferred abilities.
Ei'tarnium Massu: Qenaztium
A crystyline form that took root on the planet after its infection. Originally some form of Quartz, now it can contain and conduct Ei'tarnium in its energy form and can be shaped or formed for many specific Casting and Imbuing uses.

First Discovered By Glinlam The Mad

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