The Sword of Anglagor Myth in Liria | World Anvil

The Sword of Anglagor

He sliced with the glowing blue blade through the stone that blocked the cave exit as if the rock was nothing but parchment. The sword sending sparks of arcane energy trailing in its arc. Finally free from this accursed place, the sword that will give him power to rule this land gripped tightly in his fist...

Except from the bard tales of Emperor Anglagor, first ruler of The Elven Conclave


The Sword of Anglagor lies deep in the minds of the elven people. A myth passed down from parent to child, spread by the bards and orators of the land. Every child grows up dreaming of one day being able to find the sword and claim the right to rule their people as Emperor Anglagor did thousands of years ago.

Historical Basis

The Sword of Anglagor belonged to Emperor Anglagor and was the symbol of rule over The Elven Conclave and all the Elven people. It was said the sword was capable of cutting through anything, and anyone who dared to challenge Anglagor was cut down quick and bloody. The sword was held by him for his 540-year reign over the Elven people until the first Elven Civil War. Anglagor was said to have died at foot of the llyrana Mountains and all references to the sword vanished from there. The Ri'Otselen later became the symbol of rulership among the elven clans afterwards.


Many tales have been told throughout the centuries about what happened to the sword. Bards and families still to this day share tales handed down from their teachers and parents. Every elf knows the legends and the stories passed down and its hard to find an elf who wouldn't drop everything at a chance to be part of that story.

Variations & Mutation

The story has been embellished over time, including stories of other powers the sword had, including being able to shoot out lightning at its enemies or call great arcane energies to its wielder. The legends of Emperor Anglagor have been changed over time as well, forgetting the cruel ruler and his iron fist rule.

Cultural Reception

Other races give little credence to this legend that romanticizes the Elven rule of the land. When an Elf is heard telling the tales in public are often bullied at being quiet or run off by the crowd in disgust over the glorification of the Elves once-powerful empire. Those non-elves who do believe the tales swear that if they ever found it, it would never again be seen in the hands of an Elf, ever.

In Literature

Multiple books have been written about the hunt for the sword, each of them coming back empty-handed but with more clues for others to follow in their footsteps.  
Our party has wandered the crags and caves of the llyrana Mountains for weeks now. A deep cave system seems to run under this enormous mountain range. Reading through notes we had taken of tales of Anglagor's final battle here, we searched for any remnants that may have been left from that time. We dug so many holes you would have thought a Crag Wurm had made its home here. Ídhel suddenly hollered for us and we came running to see what was so urgent. In our latest hole about 3 meters in, we found something. It was incredibly old, barely holding itself together. An ancient elven sword sheath, that bore the Anglagor symbol of the twin dragons. We had found something of the battle, but was this place the emperor died? Did someone or something loot the field during or after the battle? Maybe we'll head into the cave next and see what we can find....  
- Amrúchon
Excerpt from the book "Journey"
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