Kynthia Geographic Location in Liria | World Anvil


The nearest and largest of Liria's two moons.


Kynthia is an extremely large moon that its size and distance to the planet make it visible even during the daylight hours. During the dark hours of the day, the moon appears to give off a blue aura visible to those on the surface. Kynthia has an extremely slow orbit and takes an estimated 210 days to rotate completely. However, even in the new moon phase, the ever-present blue aura can still be seen outlining where the position of the moon in the sky is located.


The people of Liria have always held Kynthia in reverence. Travelers and sailors have come to depend on it this moon for navigation and directional point it provides, due to the length of its orbits cycle that makes it an easily trackable object in the sky to follow. The blue glow that is given off by the moon radiants at the same color frequency that Aether stones give off and when exposed to the light of the moon seems to glow brighter. Wizards, alchemists, and scientists have studied the effect for years trying to understand why its there, what connection to the Aether it has, and how it can be used for various benevolent and malicious intents. Kynthia, has always been considered sacred by many of the races, some of which venerate it while others fear it, but all respect it grace, mystery, and power. Once every five years at the next full moon of Kynthia, the aura of the moon turns from blue to red for eight days. During this time, magics and devices made of Aether lose much of their strength. Over the centuries, the races have become more adept at dealing with situations that arise from the loss or weakening of magic and are prepared for the challenges it ushers in.
Alternative Name(s)
The Evermoon
Planetoid / Moon


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