Land Bound Ethnicity in Like Clockwork | World Anvil

Land Bound

The Land Bound are those who have chosen to live on the vast expanse of land that makes up the surface world, and have secluded themselves from the rest of the world. They are incredibly hostile to outsiders as the surface was all but abbandoned in favor of the city ships when they were developed and proven safe.


Culture and cultural heritage

The culture is that of a highly religious and pious people who work hard and worship the land they live on. Everything they do is connected to their love of the land to such a degree that it is considered heresy to knowingly harm the enviornment. Farming and ranching are the primary occupations of the people and mining is only done in natural caves and only for what is needed to make the tools and equipment needed for survival.

Shared customary codes and values

The Land Bound all share a great fear of the unknown, in addition they all share a great distrust for most technology and magic. They never trust outsiders and more often than not are incredibly hostile to them. The entire basis for their society is a rejection of steam tech and magical influence.
They also share a deep community identity and put emphasis on family and familial ties over almost all else. Family status is the crux of who they are and the power they wield, their family is everything. As such children are considered nearly sacred to them as well.

Average technological level

The Landbound still refuse all technology that envolves steam power or magic, leaving them with a rather mediveal technological basis.

Common Etiquette rules

One is expected to keep up with the happenings and status of all families in their community. They are expected to keep a clean and respectable image, and to hold themselves to a standard of polite indifference or outright kindness to their fellows. It is the ultimate faux pas to say anything unkind of another, especially of their family or herritage. Such things have led to many duels and feuds.

Funerary and Memorial customs

They handle funerary rights as they always have, church services to the god of the land followed by burial on the family plot. A gravestone or a mausoleum are left as memorials to the departed.

Common Taboos

  • Magic
  • Steam power
  • Speaking to outsiders


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