Terrestrial Raptor Species in Light of Panagea | World Anvil
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Terrestrial Raptor

Basic Information


Raptor-Dinosaur physiology, a feathered crest on the head, differently colored crests, white-feathered body, scales on feet and hands, smells unique to each individual, large round stomach for herbaceous diet

Genetics and Reproduction

One egg carried for 6 months, incubated for 3 months, chicks are precocial at hatching, babies covered in white downy feathers

Growth Rate & Stages

Baby 0-.9 years old, Toddler at 1 year old, child at 5 years old, teenager at 10 years old, young adult at 15 years old, adult at 20 years old, elder at 35 years old. Crest turns colored at 1 month.

Ecology and Habitats

Open plains or grasslands mostly, but can inhabit any environment, many live in cities. Prefer warm and dry, but can tolerate many conditions.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Mostly eat fruit and honey, omnivorous, can climb trees for fruit

Biological Cycle

Scales change color with the seasons, dark grey in winter, light grey in summer, molt feathers in spring, grow a double layer of feathers in autumn

Additional Information

Social Structure

Most groups have one alpha leader, some have a beta leader. Tribes have a chiefdom, towns and cities have mayors, kingdoms have a monarchy, empires have emperors.

Facial characteristics

White feathers, colored crest, long snout

Geographic Origin and Distribution

World wide range, except for aquatic habitats

Average Intelligence

Highest intelligence

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Electric elemental control, electricity is the same color as crest, keen senses of colored sight and smell, good hearing

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names mostly based on natural objects and phenomenons but also based on other common experiences. Ex. Summerberry, Mysticmelody, Sweetrose, Babblingbrook.

Major Organizations

A few large kingdoms and empires own each continent, but individual tribes and towns within each kingdom/empire may be independent. Numerous polytheistic religions, one monotheistic religion.

Beauty Ideals

Vivid colors, sleek feathers, pleasant scent and voice

Gender Ideals

Males and females are equal, slight differences in temperament, muscle size

Courtship Ideals

A strong scent, pleasant song and dance, gift-giving to female, and "nest" making ability

Relationship Ideals

Mutual giving relationship

Average Technological Level

Only subspecies to use electricity, most live with medieval technology

Major Language Groups and Dialects

3 major dialects, Submoutanius, Costal, and Sunchaser. The base language is universal, but the differences in each dialect may make it difficult for a Raptor from one dialect to understand a Raptor from another dialect. There is a basic form of sign language used by all cultures.

Common Etiquette Rules

Feathers should be clean and smoothed out

Common Dress Code

Clothing is optional, clothes show social status or career


All Panagea Raptors were at one point Troodons mutated by the asteroid. The original Raptor species was split into 8 different subspecies. The Terrestrial Raptors preferred their feet planted firmly on the ground. They are the least specialized type of Raptor, able to handle a variety of environments and diets. Life in open plains meant that some Raptors would get struck by lighting, eventually, the subspecies learned how to store electricity in a special static pouch organ.

Common Myths and Legends

Many believe that Evolved Raptors are living gods
Scientific Name
Raptor Terrestrium
50 years
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Height
1-1.5 meters
Average Weight
40-55 kg
Average Length
3 meters
Average Physique
Slim build for running, long legs, short arms
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
White feathers on the body, colored crest, grey scales

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