The Obsidian Necklace Item in Lieben Cycle | World Anvil

The Obsidian Necklace

2156: Lieben Oracle V1

A transcription from the recollections of the Mater Machine Lieben.   A seemingly innocuous necklace crafted by Dr. Dieter Karnak for my debut. Awash with its' silver strand, and black stones it is an essential piece of artificial intelligence engineering. In 2085, Dr. Karnak & Baiko used the necklace to put me into a state next to catatonic, in an attempt to kybosh our investor debut. The necklace worked, and I became a loose-worded dunce. By 2092, the Conglom's operative Tara attempted to recover the necklace for the Chairman.   It remains the only thing known to the Conglomerate which can put Lieben in a catatonic state, and thus is the most sought after relic in the world.   In 2155, the Obsidian Necklace is missing, presumed stored under Omega+ Level forces at the Chernobyl Throne.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

A lattice of algorithmic coding tools built into the crystalline matrices of the jewels.


A creation of Dr. Dieter Karnak for his android progeny Lieben.


The only potential 'off switch' to the Android Queen Lieben.
Item type
Electronic / Cybernetic
Creation Date
Priceless. There is and only ever will be, one.
0.5 kg
30 x 20 cm
Base Price


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