Leyvalley Academy Homepage | World Anvil

Leyvalley Academy The Guiding Star of Spellwrights


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Welcome to Leyvalley Academy, Future Wizard!   As you are well aware, Leyvalley Academy is the Premier School for Wizards in all of De'adora. We host the best teachers in all of Liironen, Flora and Fauna from the World over, and courses taught by Spellwrights focusing on the entire spectrum of Magic at our disposal. For centuries, Leyvalley Academy has boasted the highest number of Spellwrights among our Alumni; we aren't called "The Guiding Star of Spellwrights" for nothing!   We look forward to molding you into the best Wizard you could ever be! "ˈUoi, ʻOi, ˈMaoʃtʲe! Learn, Take, Conquer!"
- Sahkt Plainsking, Trimaster of Leyvalley Academy