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Levan is a massive world that is home to many races and peoples. Great Empires and powerful Kingdoms dot the world, each with the goals of providing for their people and appeasing the Gods. Occasionally these Gods will even partake in events of the world. Sometimes they will simply guide a nation, other times they will choose a champion to take up a quest, and sometimes they will start wars. The inhabitants of Levan are often pawns in the games that their Gods and Goddesses play, but sometimes a pawn can rise to great power.   Over the centuries the Gods have become increasingly uninvolved in the affairs of Levan, choosing instead to focus on their own projects in their realms. With their newfound freedoms, they are able to forge their own paths, independent from the Gods.   There are many continents that makeup Levan, each home to their own powerful races and kingdoms. To the north-west lies the frozen continent of Riulia, home to one of the most powerful human empires in Levan. Just east of Riulia lies Kerg, a large peninsula attached to a vast and unexplored landmass. For centuries Kerg was the home of the proud Bermo but has been recently invaded by humans from Olyid. Olyid lies to the south just between Riulia and Kerg, it is one of the largest explored continents in Levan and is the original homeland of humans. Olyid is currently controlled by many kingdoms and empires of man. Just east of Olyid resting in central Levan is Machutt, arguably the most important of the landmasses. Olyid is the home of a long forgotten race but is now controlled by human, elven, and dwarven kingdoms. Further east lies the homeland of the elves and dwarves, Eidath. Eidath is another continent that has yet to be fully explored, as the far eastern reaches of the landmass are inhospitable. Finally in the south-east are the three mysterious continents Tovia, Korvia, and Chovia. These three continents are home to the exotic Draconians, the innumerable Nurgens, and the fearsome Orcs.

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