Allacrausian Dreamjack Profession in Lens | World Anvil
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Allacrausian Dreamjack

The lumberjacks of Allacraus are a strange bunch. With the wood of the Chained Forest being powerfully enchanted and valuable, there is enormous demand for those who can retrieve the few trees that the harvesters allow to be cut down each month. The harvesters do not provide safe passage to those trees, however, and even at noon on the day of the full moon (when the beasts of the wood are most likely to slumber) getting into the forest, securing the log(s) and getting out is an incredibly dangerous proposition.   A mixture of speed, combat prowess and sheer foolhardiness typically define these men and women. Another draw to the lifestyle is that the logs command so much money that those few who manage to receive a license in the profession can spend the rest of the month idle if they so choose, and the horror of what they've seen in the woods and what's happened to former colleagues leads a number of Dreamjacks to be alcoholics who only sober up for their dangerous monthly runs.


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