Wisvolvic Species in Leland Peninsula | World Anvil
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Wisvolvic ('wiz vohl vick)

The wisvolvic, commonly referred to as the sound eater, is a predator found in the forests of Havenvern Island. Unlike other predators that rely on stealth and silence to sneak up on prey, the wisvolvic uses Power of Melody to deafen its target. It does this by releasing a sound of such a low frequency that it isn't perceptible by most other creatures. This sound is created in a way that triggers a reaction in the brain to temporarily "numb" the areas responsible for processing audio sensory information. Often prey, humans included, will not realize that the world around them has gone quiet until the wisvolvic is about to sink its claws into its next meal.   Although attacks on humans are extremely rare, it is recommended that a group entering the forest should travel with a descandnel, melodere, or visaurant due to their immunity from the wisvolvic's melodic cry and the likelihood of being able to warn the party of impending danger should they become hunted.   When not hunting, the wisvolvic can easily be heard lumbering through the forest and uses audible growls to communicate with others of its kind and scare off perceived threats.

Basic Information


At first glance, the wisvolvic has a resemblance to a bear, carrying a bulky body on four powerful legs. Beneath black and green mottled fur is a thick skin that is difficult to pierce with even the sharpest of weapons. Black, nonretractile claws extend from its paws. Instead of a snout, a nose protrudes from its face above an almost comically large mouth filled with sharp teeth.

Genetics and Reproduction

Around five years old, the wisvolvic becomes sexually mature and seeks a mate, with whom it will mate for life. Mating season is in late summer. Following mating, the female will eat a large amount of food before holing up in the den shared by the mated pair. She will enter a state of semi-hibernation for the extent of gestation, between two and three months. During this period, the male will protect the den and hunt for himself as well as the female when she wakes during the winter. In the spring, the female will birth between one and four cubs who will remain with the parents until able to care for themselves.

Growth Rate & Stages

When born, cubs are significantly smaller than their parents, roughly a hundreth of their mother's size. The cubs nurse for the first month until they are able to eat solid food. At this point, parents will take turns hunting for food and caring for the cubs. When the cubs are old enough, they can be seen tagging along with parents outside the den. At four years, the cubs reach full size and will go off on their own, though they will not be sexually mature for another year.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Because of the danger posed by the wisvolvic, it isn't a commonly hunted animal and is generally avoided. Pelts from the creature are extremely rare and have long been prized by the Livsenkro as a sign of bravery. Claws of the creature are less rare, sometimes found on the forest floor, but are still considered valuable and often used in jewelry.
32 years
Average Height
45-60 in (shoulder)
Average Weight
300-400 lbs (female)
380-590 lbs (male)
Average Length
75-92 in
Geographic Distribution

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