Meik Kaudo Leshind
I think most people like to believe Queen Carina was the greatest hero in the history of Leland, but that doesn't make it true. Without Leshind, she and the rest of her people would have died with everyone else.Meik Kaudo Leshind was a Rinduma general who made a name for himself because of his unorthodox military strategy in the wars with the Cesnockwe. This would lead Lueshind to be appointed leader of the Rinduma troops during The Great Invasion, joining the central forces to halt the advancement of The Horde. After years of battle with no end in sight, Leshind recognized that a new strategy was necessary or the peninsula would eventually fall to The Horde. His solution was to seek the help of the Linguasta, a group shunned by all others because of their use of Persuasion and the threat it posed to the autonomy of others. The other leaders of the central forces outright refused this idea, declaring him to be insane, but Leshind's mind was made up. As Leshind was preparing to set out for Linguasta territory, the leader of the Irocai troops ordered his two Clejadores to accompany Leshind on his mission and ensure that the Linguasta wouldn't manipulate him. Along with the clejadores and a small guard, Leshind traveled through the Gildare Highlands to meet with the Linguasta council. The council had little interest in joining the war effort beside people who shunned them and cursed their names, but Leshind's pleas and ability to efficiently negotiate a deal that most of the allied forces' leadership agreed with led to the Linguasta becoming integral to the defeat of The Horde. Not much is known about Leshind outside of his military career. Some believe there was an attempt by the Linguasta to erase Leshind from history in order to support the narrative that Carina Ahyen, and by extension the Linguasta, had come to the allied forces' aid by their own volition. Despite this, Rinduma oral tradition has kept Leshind's memory alive and he has always remained a hero to his people.
Hi there! You may not know me, but I am the sponsor of the Great Leader of Their People Summer Camp Prompt this year! Since you wrote this article, I would like to know, would you mind me reading it aloud on my Twitch channel next week? I have a lot to get through so it helps to do it live while people watch. If not, it's okay! Not agreeing to be streamed definitely does not put you at any disadvantage for winning in my eyes. Please respond swiftly by replying here (make sure to click REPLY under my comment or I won't be notified), message me on my World Anvil profile page, Discord, or anywhere else you find me online. Thanks again! Whatever you choose, God bless and much success! <3
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Thanks for permission! I'll try to let you know when I plan to stream in case you'd like to check it out. You can also always watch streams after the fact on my YouTube channel if you aren't able to make it or prefer not to be there live. :)
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Just an update: I've scheduled to go live at 8am and 8pm Eastern Time every weekday this week. If you join the stream and comment, I can go over your article right then and there! If you'd like to coordinate a specific date, feel free to reply below or contact me at one of the places in my post above. If not, remember you can watch anytime at my YouTube channel. I'll try to go back through and let you know which episode yours fell on. :D
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Hi there. I pray all is well. I went over your article last night in my final stream. Here's the link for the replay if you'd like to take a look. PLEASE BE ADVISED THE STREAM IS ALMOST SEVEN HOURS XD but I tried to link the articles in the description and the comments in the order they appeared for your skippy-through convenience. :D If not, no worries at all. Thanks again for allowing me the honor! Have a blessed one. <3
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