Sunsguard Military Formation in Leitoria | World Anvil
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The Sunsguard are four elite fighters of the Dawnkeeper Order dedicated to protecting the Sunkeeper. They serve as both the personal guard and representatives of the Order's leader. They are absolutely loyal to their spiritual leader and will carry out the will of the Sunkeeper when they themselves cannot perform it.



There are always four members in the Sunsguard. If one person dies or retires, their place is quickly filled by another experienced Dawnkeeper.


Members of the Sunsguard wield round shields and spears, the traditional weapons of the Dawnkeepers. The spears are modeled after the Spear of the Dawnforger that was used to slay Archdemons nearly two thousand years ago.

During the early years of the Order's formation, all Dawnkeeper warriors used spears in their fight against demons and abyssal aberrations. As technology has progressed, most have adapted to using pistols and less conspicuous blades. However, the Sunsguard still use the traditional weaponry of their founder.



Each member of the Sunsguard was once an active Dawnkeeper warrior who fought against demons, aberrations, and witches across the world. They built up their skills through years of training and experience, and only those who demonstrated exceptional combat abilities and loyalty to the Order are considered for the position.

A new member of the Sunsguard is personally chosen by the Sunkeeper. Although the Sunkeeper makes the final choice, they often listen to recommendations from current Sunsguards who have more knowledge of a warrior's abilities, accomplishments, and temperament.

Pixabay Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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Cover image: by Cloud7