Sitara Patil Character in Leitoria | World Anvil
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Sitara Patil

Sunsguard Sitara Patil

Sitara Patil is a prominent member of the Dawnkeepers and one of the four Sunsguards who personally serve the Sunkeeper.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Patil is in peak physical condition, as her duties require her to be always ready to defend the Sunkeeper.

Identifying Characteristics

Her upper arms and back are laced with small black crystals formed by her abyssal corruption. She covers up the symptoms of corruption at all times, as the crystals or her black blood would reveal her as a former witch.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Patil was born to a wealthy Jirian noble family in the city of Kamesh. Both of her parents were interested in the occult, and passed on their extensive library to their daughter.

During her early twenties, she began experimenting with ritual magic, hoping to discover its secrets. One night, she discovered too late that the occult text she had been using to construct one of her ritual circles had been mistranslated, and the ensuing wave of misguided abyssal energy released after her incantation twisted her family's mansion into an inescapable labyrinth of alien geometries. Only Patil managed to escape before the magic could fully take hold of the building.

Devastated at the loss of her family, home, and former life, Patil renounced witchcraft and left the city. After months of travel, she learned of the Dawnkeeper Order that fought against the power of the Abyss. Hoping to make amends for her mistakes, Patil joined the Order as a scribe at a small monestary.

Eventually, she chose to devote herself fully to the Order as a warrior so that she could hunt down the demons and aberrations that plagued the land. However, she could never truly bring herself to hunt witches in the same way since she had once been one of them. When given the choice, Patil always chose to take missions fighting demons rather than uncovering witches. She also always fought alone to prevent anyone from seeing the dark blood caused by her abyssal corruption.

Although some Dawnkeepers questioned her reluctance to fight witches or her reclusive tendencies while in the field, Patil's consistent triumphs against powerful demons eventually earned her an invitation from the Sunkeeper herself to become a member of her personal guard.

Gender Identity

Cisgender woman


Patil joined the Dawnkeeper Order when she was 29. She spent several years working as a scribe at a small monastery hoping to get away from her past. Eventually, she decided to train as a Dawnkeeper warrior. At 48, she was given the opportunity to become one of the four personal guards and representatives to the leader of her Order.


Religious Views

Patil follows the holy codes of the Dawnkeepers and believes in their mission to eradicate the Abyss from Leitoria. While she wholeheartedly agrees with the doctrine that teaches that abyssal magic corrupts witches and the world around them, she does not believe that witches inherently evil. She has been forced to fight witches during her time in the field before her promotion to Sunsguard, but she could never bring herself to kill any of them. Patil's avoidance of missions against witches has led some of her peers to question her loyalty to the Order, but her unwavering dedication to the war against demons and aberrations has allowed her to keep her place among the Dawnkeepers and even rise through the ranks.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Dawnkeeper and Sunsguard
Year of Birth
1842 DE 51 Years old
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Jirian

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Cover image: by Cloud7