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Doh'garan (do-gar-an)

The woed Doh'garan refers to any draconin born, and/or raised in the draconic nation Doh'garus. They are not physically different to the Fafnians, but mentally. While the Fafnians are taught not to take up arms, Doh'garans are taught that as their nation was forged by blade, they must not be afraid to draw their own blades. They are trained to wield the blade from a young age, and make for some of the deadliest warriors in all Eternity. Templars of Horoth are more common in Doh'garus than in Fafnia, while the Fafnians tend to lean more towards Arotha in regards of earning divine power. Ever since the Years of Chaos, the two have been all but allied, to the point where intermarriages between Fafnans, and Doh'garans are quite common. One of the greatest draconin couples in all of Eternity was that of a Doh'garan, (Sprizen Akkamara) and a Fafnian (Sudea Haedros).

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Faminine draconin names are generally as long, or longer than male names, with smoother transitions between sounds. Typically they end with a long vowel, or vowels. Common examples include, Sathona, Evara, Neora, or Carenvi.

Masculine names

Male draconic names are typically sharp, and hard. Similar to family names, with typically no more than three syllables. Common examples include, Kreldak, Craxiash, Vrokh, or Thravesh.

Family names

Doh'garan familt names are often sharp, with multiple consinents strung togeather, and few long vowels. Common family names include, Pavarax, Trothen, Cretrax, or Strantar.


Major language groups and dialects

When interacting with other draconin, they refuse tu use any language other than draconic.

Common Etiquette rules

Their expectations is like what you would expect. The only major difference is how they are more easily offended than other races. They take anything that could be remotely linked to someone calling them weak offensive in the extreme, being a race that values strength. This applies to all draconin. Doh'garan, and Fafnian.

Common Dress code

If you are a male, you wear your line of work. If you are a blacksmith, you will likely wear a smith's apron. If you are a builder, you may wear your tool belt. If you are a merchant, you might carry some small things that you may sell. Females generally wear more elegant clothing. They tend to favor long dresses. There is more leniency in way of what can be showing, and what can't. So long as it is not obviously lustful in intent, or in any other way, innapropriate, it is viewed as the wearer simply displaying their strength as a draconin.

Art & Architecture

They are draconic in origin, and proudly display it in all things. From paintings portraying the dragons above the draconin, or dragons in the patterns of their cloths, or even dragons statues in their building structure. Even their weapons are often dragon themed, or have some reference to dragons.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Whenever a child is born in Doh'garus, with Doh'garan parents, they are presented to either as powerful templar, or prophet, or the Doh'garus council. The highest honor for any Doh'garan parent, or child, is to be presented to Tilliat, and hear his near infinite wisdom.

Coming of Age Rites

One thing that all young draconin must do to show that they are ready to become an adult, is the forging of their own blade, at the age of about twenty-two. (seventeen in draconin years)

Funerary and Memorial customs

Upper-class funerals are often accompanied by Pillar Warriors. The Pillar Warriors will sing a burial song that often opens with the prayer, Voxen tala vor nuen, voxen tala vor taen. The translation is "A warrior in birth, a warrior in death."

Historical figures

Major historical figures of the Doh'garan ethnicity include Valros Akkamara, Hadria Akkamara, and Skolas "Firebrand" Zareth.


Beauty Ideals

Like the Fafnians, the males find long, slim horns, and tail, with a strong form to be attractive in the famales. The females find a wide frame, with dense musculature, accompanied by broad, rigid horns, and a strong tail to be attractive. Across both genders, there is one feature that is considered to be the peak of physical attractiveness. That feature being ascendence. Ascendence occours when a draconin becomes so powerful in either sorcery, or divine magic, that their physical form cannot hold the power as they are. Dragon wings sprout from their back.

Gender Ideals

The male is almost always the protector, and therefore has the lead role in a household. Though, socially, male, and female are equal to one another. In the end, one is not superior, or inferior to the other.

Courtship Ideals

Across both ethnicities, strength is valued above all else. Both physical, and mental. They are at their cores, warriors. Built to serve. One needs a strong mind, and body to do so. Honor is held at a close second. They were one of the first creations of Deos. As such, they believe there are standards that must be upheld in way of morals. Unlike nations like Heodar, or Brimbaria, honor is not based on sins, or accomplishments of the father, but rather of the individual. Short of catastrofic failiurs, or repeated sins over several generations, your parents' social status will not effect your own.

Relationship Ideals

It is exclusively one man, and one woman. Multi-spouse, or homosexual marrages are viewed as vulgar, and are banned across both draconic nations. It is always one man, and one woman. While it varies based on the individual couple, it is typically the male in charge, with the female immidiately below, with heavy influence on the male's decisions.

Major organizations

The Doh'garans are allied to their nation Doh'garus. Their greatest miltary units are Horoth's Siegebreakers, and the Doh'garus Archers.
Encompassed species
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