ngeru-tangata — catfolk Ethnicity in Lazuur Avatars | World Anvil
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ngeru-tangata (catfolk)

The catfolk of the Ngahere Koura (‘The Golden Plains’) have more or less settled in the area despite their natural wanderlust — their allies the ani-yunwiya (lion-centaurs/wemics) have shown them that the dangers surrounding much of the Sea of Ales are not insurmountable when working together. That’s said, many more ngeru-tangata than their six-limbed friends can be found in the other populated areas. Unfortunately, due to their reputation of having ‘grabby paws’, gnomes and dwarves are likely to look the way of a ngeru-tangata first when something goes missing. Despite this preconception, the catfolk are far more obsessed with food than other items, and they’re always hungry — which is odd, since they don’t seem to eat any more than another race their size.
Physically, they are as large or small as the northern and southern populations of humans and their features vary widely, some appearing like a plethora of housecat breeds and others more akin to bobcats, lynxes, or larger felines. Other than this distinction, many ngeru-tangata have abnormally thickly-furred tails (which nearly vanish when soaked). As one would expect, the catfolk are typically very nimble and dexterous, making them good hunters and craftspeople. This has contributed to trade with Anaptun Abra and Gloridia, so many are able to speak the ‘common’ tongue, albeit haltingly and with odd grammatical habits. Their own language is ‘plainsspeech’ — a mixture of their own language (based on Maori) and that of the ani-yunwiya (based on Cherokee).
While generally aloof and wanting to have sufficient time on their own, the ngeru-tangata are a playful people. They are more keen to play games and sports to suit their competitive nature rather than tricks and pranks just for a laugh like the karboten (tinker gnomes) do. As they get older, most ngeru-tangata simply want to be left alone.

alignments: Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Evil, Neutral Good, Neutral Evil, Pure Neutral

racial maximum Attributes
Bod Agi Rea Str Cha Int Log Wil Luck
priorities (BP*) modifiers
ngeru-tangata: E (1) / D (4)
low-light vision; Boon on Athletics (Acrobatics) tests; unarmed weapons (claws)

* Bonus Points are generally to increase Luck, but may be used to increase the Magic Attribute for Mages (magically-active characters)

common edges & flaws: Catlike, Double-jointed

naming conventions: the ngeru-tangata language is based on real-world Maori. Over the years it has merged with the language of the ani-yunwiya (based on real-world Cherokee) to create ‘prairietongue’. Most ngeru-tangata are also moderately proficient in the ‘common’ tongue.

female names: Ana (gracious and satisfying), Anahera (majestic angel), Ataahua (beautiful girl), Ahorangi (enlightened), Airini (peaceful nature), Epa (an offering to the gods), Erihapeti (helper), Haeata (dawn), Haeata Tanga (light beam), Hahana (radiance), Ikaroa (long part of a fish), Iwa (yew), Inia (body of water), Kahikatea (pine tree), Kakarauri (dusk), Mahuika (goddess of fire), Marama (moonlike), Ngaire (silver fern), Nyree (the most praised), Whina (helper), Wikitoria (victorious)

gender neutral names: Aperahama (founder of a mighty tribe), Aroha (mercy), Akenehi (purity), Eruera (prosperous guardian), Haimona (listening), Ieni (gracious), Mikaere (godlike), Mahaka (chief), Pania (mythological sea maiden), Rongo (peace-loving)

male names: Ahika (sustaining), Aata (bear or stone), Ari (lion of the gods), Akahata (supreme), Etera (aid), Hahona (healer), Heketoro (faerie), Hau (wind), Hehu (rescuer), Ihaia (salvation), Iete Pere (chaste), Kai (the sea or fire), Kamaka (rock), Manaaki (cherish), Nikau (palm tree), Purta (mythical), Rawiri (beloved), Tayn (god of light), Wiremu (protection or helmet)

surnames: Ngeru-tangata don't really have their own family name. Instead, they refer to themselves as .... 'of '. Some of great renown add a moniker, as in Epa of the Flashing Spear. This type of epithet can't be self-constructed without people going out of their way to ridicule it.

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