ani-yunwiya — lion-centaurs in Lazuur Avatars | World Anvil
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ani-yunwiya (lion-centaurs)

The ani-yunwiya (meaning ‘principle people’ in their own tongue, based on the real-world Cherokee language) have inhabited the Ngahere Koura (‘Golden Prairie’) area west of the Sea of Ales for longer than any of the other local races. They are a deeply spiritual people, and many would say even more so than the dwergachtig (‘pious gnomes’). These noble people believe that all things have a spirit and nature wishes to remain in balance. As such, they do a number of things to ensure this balance is kept: carefully consider how many children to have and thus avoid overpopulation, harvest every third or fourth apothecary reagent they come across, ask forgiveness of an animal’s spirit when it is killed… and further, make certain that every part of the creature does not go to waste.
Compared to the other humanoid races, ani-yunwiya are enormous — a lionlike humanoid torso atop a full lion body. Their heads appear abnormally large compared to the rest of their proportions. Their four legs and two arms all end in retractable claws, but most ani-yunwiya keep their hand claws clipped, allowing them to better use tools and weapons. Like lions, which still inhabit the southern area of the Golden Prairie bordering the desert, males have large manes.
Despite speaking only when there is something valuable to say, the ani-yunwiya have a strong storytelling tradition, which is their primary means for educating the youth — a task that all members of a tribe take seriously. Family ties are very strong when young, but adolescents are encouraged to ‘aspire to become nunnehi, the immortals,’ by ‘exploring and growing’ in small groups once their elders feel they have the necessary survival skills. These youths, both female and male, often return to their tribe a few months to years later and remain with their people through old age, but some do not return and are sorely missed.


alignments: Neutral Good, Lawful Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, Pure Neutral

racial maximum Attributes
Bod Agi Rea Str Cha Int Log Wil Luck
priorities (BP*) modifiers
ani-yunwiya: B (1) / A (3)
large**; strong unarmed weapons (claws)

* Bonus Points are generally to increase Luck, but may be used to increase the Magic Attribute for Mages (magically-active characters)

** Bane on Defense (Dodge/Parry) tests, more Physical Wounds

common edges & flaws: Dermal Deposits, Guts

naming conventions: ani-yunwiya get nicknames in their youth which they eventually grow out of through their right of passage sometime between 12 and 14 years of age -- during this first 'adventure', they must accomplish some task in a small group of their peers. Upon their return, they have either come up with a name for themselves or elders of the pride make suggestions based on their telling of the tale. (For the sake of player sanity, these names are usually in common.)


some examples: Diving Hawk, Raging Plume, Northbound Claw, Meandering Eye, Reclusive Toad, etc.

races of Lazuur Avatars

primary playable races

potentially playable races*
  • armand — badgerfolk (NE of the Sea of Ales)
  • dunjaro / 'sand walker' — southern human (the Duneswathe)
  • erdei mano — wood elf (V'lumen)
  • eszaki ember — northern human (Arkania)
  • gyípnép — lizardfolk (the Free Tribes & the Eastern Reaches)
  • kentaur — centaur (V'lumen)
  • minotaurusz — minotaur (ESE of Gloridia)
  • tengeri törpe — blue / sea dwarf (the Frigid Sea)

* there may be situations in which one of these races become available as a playable character based on the story

non-playable races

unsuitable as PCs because they are...

e = purely evil
p = too powerful

u = unintelligent
w = too weak

  • nagan e — snakefolk (Vigooria)
  • gaalken w — goblin (all over, esp. Vigooria)
  • vlieger e — kobold (all over, esp. the east)
  • urutan u, w — beetlefolk (the Duneswathe)
  • zhoran / szurke törpe e — grey dwarf (Eastern Reaches)
  • ördög e — gnoll (Glenneton)
  • kerti törpe p — forest gnome (V'lumen)
  • yurian u — crabfolk (Sea of Ales)
  • tündér p — pixie/sprite (V'lumen)
  • (?) p — high elf (Auria Av Lumaria, far west)
  • kanonok e, u — troll (Vigooria)
  • rakshaka e, p — demon-tiger (Kingdoms of Deception)
  • vampír e, p — vampire (usually human and catfolk stock) (southwest)
  • jegoria e, p — frost giant (northeast)
  • felhooria p — cloud giant (northeast)
  • ursagi e, p — bearfolk (far northeast)
  • tuzoria e, p — fire giant (far northeast)
  • haargrund e, p — dark dwarf (far east, esp. underground)
  • traag u — troglodyte (all over, esp. underground)
  • aarakocra p — birdfolk (the Duneswathe)

  • bronz draak e, p — bronze draconians (the Free Tribes & Eastern Reaches)
  • rez draak e, p — copper draconians (Arkania)
  • zold sarkany e, p — green dragon (Glenneton)
  • fekete sarkany e, p — black dragon (Vigooria)
  • feher sarkany e, p — white dragon (Arkania)
  • kek sarkany e, p — blue dragon (far east, esp. the Eastern Reaches)
  • piros sarkany e, p — red dragon (far ENE of the Sea of Ales)
  • ezust sarkany p — silver dragon (Gloridia)


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