Obsidanian Species in Lasital | World Anvil
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The Obsidanian people (sometimes referred to as the Lava-Men) are comprised of stone plates and blood-magma both inanimate objects imbued with life by the Blood-Magma Basins. They are at the head of one of the strongest empires in Lasitals history and are individually some of the most incredible warriors in the world. They have a powerful ability only accessible to them and the redbourne people that allows them to control lava with near Telekinetic precision. They used this to turn their formerly lush country into a barren wasteland with the only plant life remaining being the stone-wood trees.  Their pantheon is different to most others. They worship Arrk-Kuth (god of violence) as their patron deity and infirniar (god of water) as his opposite. They are very warlike and love conflict.

Basic Information


They are humanoid in shape however they have stone plates instead of skin covering their insides which is comprised of blood-magma and a hard crystal core

Genetics and Reproduction

To reproduce the parents must pull stone plates from their body (which takes a long time to heal) and drop them into a blood magma basin

Growth Rate & Stages

They emerge the same size as a five year old child and tales 15 years to become a full grown obsidanian .

Ecology and Habitats

They prefer to live near volcanos and blood-magma basins with little plant life

Dietary Needs and Habits

They eat biological matter which gets consumed in their magma

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They mostly stick to obsidane because it is the only place that can cater to their needs

Average Intelligence

They are conniving, cunning and often enjoy tactical fights

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They can see in both regular vision and infrared

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Obsidanian Empire.

Beauty Ideals

An ideal appearance for an obsidane is a muscled intimidating figure with flames that burn brighter due to their rage.

Gender Ideals

Men and women are more or less equal.

Courtship Ideals

A woman is often first to initiate courtship (but not always). They often meet on the day of first flame after the woman asks the man for a brawl for them to see who will be the dominant one in the relationship.

Relationship Ideals

The physically strongest is often the dominant one (this is not affected by gender in obsidanians).

Common Dress Code

They have no need for clothing as they have no need to get warm or to cover anything

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

They often partake in ritualistic fights on the first day of each month

Common Taboos

Dishonourable killing


They have a long history of fighting and conflict often ending in defeat. They have subjugated both the former inhabitants of obsidane and their neighbours (the predecessors of the redbourne). In recent times their strategy has been to ally themselves with other powerful empires.

Historical Figures

Eidjarr Mozehammer- The first obsidanian king Salizarr Mozehammer- The immortal lord of obsidane

Common Myths and Legends

They believe that their ancestors had to claw their way out of the Evell Basin with only their hands.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They look down on all but the animalians of the Huskarian Ascendancy whom they see as worthy opponents.
Scientific Name
Elementus Obsidin
Ember, Brimstone
100 years
Average Height
2.1-3.0 metres
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution
Related Materials

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