The Erahborn Ethnicity in Lands of Tiamat | World Anvil
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The Erahborn

Even a blind man can see a hellhound bounding toward them, teeth bared. But only a fool ignores the rabbit that rides such a beast as a mount. Fools do not tend to enjoy long lives.
- Poppy, High Doe and Commander of the Royal Armies

The Awakening

Far removed from the simple rodent prey in the wilds, the Erahborn are as sentient as any of the humanoid races, some believe themselves more-so as their instincts have not been dulled by luxuries of ages. However, in such a young race it is simple to track down their racial origins.
  The first Erahborn were rabbits who found themselves in the vicinity of a massive discharge of magical divine energy. This magical outburst was a common occurrence in the Fallen Era, when the Goddess’s magic was unrestrained and wild. This particular burst was triggered by a bolt hitting an aarakocran man as he attempted to shield his child. It granted intelligence and sentience equal to any humanoid, and this magical alteration lingered even once the storm had dissipated. Other aspects of their being were the same, including the famously rapid multiplying, but this was slowed by the external magical alterations the race put upon itself in later years.

Physical Characteristic

An Erahborn is in many ways identical to a common rabbit or hare, however if one looks past the small stature and fur, they will notice that this race has used magical means to lengthen the toes on their forepaws into fingers, allowing them to grasp weaponry crafted for small races. They also have more forward shifted eyes, to allow for better perception of depth and to eliminate the blindspot in front of their nose.
  Erahborn appear in any natural patterns of their lesser beast cousins, but the plush fur is seen as rather cumbersome in the typically warm Kingdom of Nobletrie, so it has become common practice to shear their fur close to the skin. This also allows them to display more of the toned muscles and scars they gain through a lifetime of battle. They often sport fierce, bright streaks of warpaint as an additional hint toward this difference from typical beasts.


Warrens and Leadership

Erahborn rabbits live in typically large family groups, called warrens, led by a lead buck. Traditionally he is in charge, though the title of leader is rather fragile in the case of warrens, as he is only lead buck so long as his does see him as worthy of fathering the next generation. The moment this is not true, he will find himself without does and without a warren to lead.   The only leader that is respected no matter the circumstance is the High Buck/Doe. There is only one and they are seen as the strongest of the race, typically holding a high position in the kingdom’s politics as well. Fights for this position are violent battles to the death, for no Erahborn would respect a High buck or doe that is to soft hearted to eliminate a threat.

Naming Traditions

Erahborn tend to favor the names of plants and other names akin to nature. Flowers and water features are seen as feminine, while barks and minerals are more masculine. Not to say this is in any way a limitation on their creativity, it is simply a remembrance for their humble beginnings and some may say it is to further the deception of their cute exteriors when encountering a foe.   Doe Names: Poppy, Thistle, Rain, River
Buck Names: Birch, Pine, Mica, Agate

Age and Maturity

Erahborn age into maturity relatively quickly in comparison to humans, reaching adulthood at three years and can easily live to be in their thirties if not killed in battle or by sickness.

Breeding and Kits

Breeding is not about love for an Erahborn, it is merely about making sure the next generation is better then the current. Love and emotional intimacy is seen as entirely separate and can be shared by any, even those not within the same warren.   Erahborn are physically capable of finding mates and beginning their warrens as soon as they are mature. However, culturally they are cautioned to only settle down after they complete their Rite of Passage; when they have proven their blood is superior and worthy of the next generation.   Kits will follow their mothers into any warren she becomes a part of, but those born to young couples are often subject to bullying by others for their unproven parentage.

Rite of Passage

The Rite is a very important part for an Erahborn, and those who never accomplish it often find themselves shunned from the warrens in their later years, having to make a living effectively disowned from the camaraderie that binds the race together.   The Rite is performed after an Erahborn has spent a decade on the battlefield, either in active warfare or hunting monsters. Once this is done, they travel to the home of the High Erahborn, where they will spar until the latter is satisfied that they are accomplished warriors. This is when they receive their warpaint and become a recognized Erahborn Warrior.   The rules of the spar are simple, one simply must impress the High Erahborn. Their methods may vary as widely as their skillset, and they do not have to achieve victory, but the reliance on the opponent’s opinion can quickly shape a generation. If a High Erahborn values strength over cunning, those who use their wits can find themselves at a disadvantage in passing the Rite; and similarly vice versa.

Outsider View

Though warrens are just as easily found in any city, town, as the forests, little is truly understood about the way they think. But it is generally accepted that there are few who are better soldiers than a war-painted Erahborn Warrior. The need for a young Erahborn to prove themselves makes them eager for battle, and the experience of an already proven individual can make all the difference when in a fight with slim odds.   As Erahborn are almost exclusively found in the Kingdom of Nobletrie, other kingdoms find it difficult to acquire their services.

Alternate Name: Awakened Rabbit
Origin: Country of Bernia
Creation: Year 2189 of the Fallen Era
  Leader Title: High Buck/Doe, or simply High Erahborn
Gender Terms: Doe (Female), Buck (Male)
Racial Traits:
  • +2 Dexterity (Swift Feet)
  • -1 Strength (Fragile Body)
  • -1 Constitution (Fragile Body)
  • Fearless
  • Rabbit Claws

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