Telekinesis - Sorcery Spell in Lands of Ezarion | World Anvil
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Telekinesis - Sorcery

Spell Stats

Cooldown: None

Stat Requirement: 5 Focus

Mana Cost: 3

"I don't even have to get up to retrieve the remote!"

~Insane Couch Potato


Telekinesis is popular among Sorcerers for being able to levitate and pull objects towards them from across a room. There are many instances where a researching sorcerer is buried in their own notes, and needs to get something off the shelf across the room. It helps if you don't want to hire an assistant. The spell requires a fair amount of focus as the Magi has to concentrate on the object they are lifting. With practice, any Magi can use Telekinesis with less focus, making it harder to be broken. Though most of those Magi have moved on to the spell "Greater Telekinesis"


The caster can lift smaller objects and move them at will. As long as concentration is not broken, they may move this object in any manner of direction or ways such as rotations.


To the untrained eye, the manifestation of Telekinesis appears invisible. However, if someone well trained in magic watches an object moving, they may notice a blue, wispy shape around the object as it is moved.


Telekinesis was discovered by the first Wizards in the world, solely for the utility of being able to move objects from a distance.


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