Doggletock Character in Landrias | World Anvil
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Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Old, frail and delusion, many may underestimate Doggletock's utility in combat. While his physical condition has deteriorated, his mastery over the weave of magic allows him to enhance his abilities and versatility beyond that of those dedicated to the pursuit of the ultimate physical form.   As a Divination Wizard, the tide of combat seems to always swing in his favour. Doggletock is willing to play the long game as kit maximises his strengths and frustrates his opponents to breaking point.   Do not underestimate Doggletock.

Body Features

You can find Doggletock hunched over his cane, seemingly frail and fragile. His unassuming posture immediately straightens into a tight power pose when intimidation tactics are necessary. Doggletock keeps his cards close to his chest and the way he portrays himself to the world is no exception.

Facial Features

Saggy wrinkled checks, with tightly pack bags under his eyes. A long and narrow nose pointing down towards his pursed lips.

Special abilities

As a Wizard who has dedicated himself to the divination arts for hundreds of years, Doggletock seemingly knows what is about to happen and when. As a result of this, his sudden appearances have been carefully calculated and planned but the reasoning behind his inconsistent intervention and influence over the realm appears chaotically random and devoid of reason to those swept up in his myriad of plans.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears a raggity brown wizard's cloak with miscoloured patches of varied hues sown into the fabric. The inside pockets function as a bag of holding whence from he seemingly manifests his divination tools from nowhere. He carries a black metallic cane with an intricate carving of a raven at it's tip.

Personality Characteristics


Doggletock spends his time delving through knowledge of time and the cosmos. He sees how those with power push and pull the fate of the realm from prosperity to chaos and wishes to use his knowledge to slowly nudge the future of the realm off the course of it's own collapse.

Vices & Personality flaws

Doggletock frequently forgets to empathise with small events that don't drastically affect the holistic outcome of the realm. Doggletock is capable of great empathy, however he has spent so long focused on the future that he tends to forget or not care about basic politeness or social conventions.

Personality Quirks

His dedication of the divination arts has made his brain and his speech a little unhinged, cryptic and hard to follow. He holds information from people until what he considers the right place and time. This can make him seem mysterious and untrustworthy, but he justifies his actions by a motivation to protect people from dangerous knowledge about the future.


His hair is knotted and jutts out from under his hood. It almost appears like a bird's nest and shows obvious signs of neglected care. Doggletock focuses on his mind rather than his body. After all, he can always use Disguise Self  for vanity.
Chaotic Good
Bright green with bloodshot streaks of red
Shoulder length, grey wiry and knotted hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Ruled Locations

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