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Imperial High Priest

In the Cedrialan Empire, the Imperial High Priest is a clergyman of the highest ranking, and serves the emporer who appoints him.


Career Progression

When a new Cedrialan emporer ascends the throne, a new High Priest is appointed by him from a pool of candidates. The pool consists of apprentices mentored by the High Priest of the previous reign, who becomes a Legate after the new Priest is chosen. The remaining candidates become aids of the new Legate.  
The High Priest's rule is as long as the emporer he serves. However, there is a grace period in which if the new emporer dies or suddenly cannot rule, the Priest is kept and later appointed to that emporer's to-be successor. Once that period ends, the Priest begins providing services.  
When an emporer's reign ends, his High Priest descends a rank and becomes a Legate. Though the Legate loses power, the new High Priest is expected to still treat him as a mentor and superior.



The primary responsibility of an Imperial High Priests is to aid the Empire's religious conquest. He does so by heading the foundation, expansion, and doctrine of each ruler's honorary churches; ingraining patriotism and militarism into his sermons; and maintaining the imperial family's belief of superiority.   He serves as the administer of Cedrial's largest place of worship. Here, litguries and ceremonies honoring the imperial family are held.   The Imperial High Priest also regularly meets with his military counterpart, the Royal Commissioner, to discuss the addition, process, and enforcement of religious practices in the Empire's armies.  
Former High Priests, called Legates, maintain the legacy of the churches they helped establish.

Social Status

The Imperial High Priest is held in high regard by patriots of the empire.   It is tradition for the imperial family to privately honor both the High Priest and Commissioner.

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