Nekomata Species in Landia | World Anvil
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A race of cat people who require love to live. These nekomata are humans with cat ears and tail, and sometimes have two tails. They usually can hide it unless they don't want to. Famous nekomatas are the Archmage and Emperor Chris. Once your a nekomata, you stay a nekomata forever.

Basic Information


Cat ears + tail. Normal human structure. Enchanted eyesight.

Biological Traits

Some nekos live up to 1000 years.

Genetics and Reproduction

They have insane sex rates, with sex being as young as 18.

Growth Rate & Stages

The nekos turn into larger nekos, with them growing two tails.

Ecology and Habitats

They live in homes and sometimes castles.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It eats human food, and it hunts by weapons or by hand. Some female nekos mate a lot, and sometimes eat their prey to become more attractive.

Biological Cycle

Well some nekos are more used to one season and thrive in it.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Among their tribes and fellow nekos, the older ones are at the top. Age comes with power, after all.


Some nekos are pets to their humans while others are legendary powerful untamed nekos. Physical touch can bring any neko to their knees.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

None, as they are on the top at times.

Facial characteristics


Geographic Origin and Distribution

Some nekos become ice nekos, others become fire nekos. Depends on region.

Average Intelligence

They are extremely intelligent with some of the higher nekos (nekomatas) being in Emperor Chris' court.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have a certain type of magic at birth and they can climb and jump really high, they are also immune to fall damage as their feet are of the Neko Goddess, a goddess above all (sometimes.)

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Nekos fear one neko: Parasite.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Mewie, anything cat related.

Major Organizations


Beauty Ideals

The females are expected to have larger breasts and be with the man at all times or by themselves.

Gender Ideals

There are more females then males, and they both are expected to become powerful.

Courtship Ideals

Females are treated like queens if the male is decent.

Relationship Ideals

The female is sort of like the mommy in the family to all, even taking care of her husband. Although females have gone out to adventure at all.

Average Technological Level

This race obtained Siren Tech and developed Neko Tech.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They speak Common. They can pick up many languages.

Common Etiquette Rules

They are surprisingly fancy, with both genders being treated as kings and queens by the royals nearby. Other times, they fight for themselves.

Common Dress Code

They have normal clothes, other times tribal clothes. Nudity can happen within the house, but never outside.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

They are a mysterious culture, with nothing being known as to what they came from.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

They act like cats at times, other times as humans.

Common Taboos

None, although murder and crimes are discouraged.


From the very beginning, the nekos/nekomata have existed and they were developed 500 years after humans and 200 years after the Moon Rabbits.

Historical Figures


Common Myths and Legends

They have their myth of the Neko Judge, a powerful angel in heaven who is a nekomata.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

As long as other races don't attack, they are peaceful.
Scientific Name
Neko people
300 years
Conservation Status
Well they are powerful nekos who have history within the Chritoad Bloodline.
Average Height
4-6 ft
Average Weight
30-90 kg
Average Length
Average Physique
They are very thin, but they can get larger or more powerful if they so choose. Females can grow their chest and body once they mature.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Normal skin.

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