Worshippers of Twilight
History will repeat itself and when that happens we will be prepared.
Divine Origins
As the great war drew to a close people celebrated. Yet there were some who didn't think it was truly over. Hreii had been defeated, but they were still alive and they could return with a vengance.
A handful of these believers, most of whom had seen the horrors of war, decided that they should prepare for such an eventuality.
Over the years this band slowly changed to more closely resemble a church, with prayers being directed from any god or other entity to specifically divinities of time.
Furthermore, as new members joined the ranks, the original motivation, to prepare for the return of hreii, was diminished in favour of a more general belief that one should be prepared for the future.
Tenets of Faith
- Prepare with purpose for the future that you can see.
- Build fortresses for your children so they may be protected in a future you cannot see.
- Aid those who were blind to the future.
- Stand by those who protect our future.
The tenents leave out how to prepare, lend aid and stand by, which has resulted in a couple of confrontations within the organization.
The first time an acolyte took the second tenent very literally, trying to build multiple castles for each of their children. This was resolved when a priest explained the metaphore, at which point the acolyte just went on to build one slightly larger wooden castle.
The second time two priests were travelling with a believer when they met a man who had bankrupted themselves by gambling. The first priest wanted to lend aid by providing food, while the second wanted to lend aid in the form of money. Tensions were resolved when one of the believers asked if maybe the man would be willing to join the worshippers far away from temptation while able to give something back. The man accepted and all of them continued travelling.