Yōkai Species in Land of Shinobi | World Anvil
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Phantom Beasts

The ghostly creatures that apparate into the Mortal Plane. They are apparitions that are trapped in the wrong plane, and they believe they can return with a high kill count. They are dangerous phantoms that roam the Lands of Shinobi in the shadows and there are varying types. Each are deadly.

Basic Information


Each Yokai varies in types, sizes, and builds. Some do not even have bodies to control.

Ecology and Habitats

The general location that Yokai prefer is darkness and damp locations. However, not all lay in shadows, some can be an object in your very own home.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Food is not necessary.

Biological Cycle

During the summer in the Lands of Shinobi, some versions of Yokai tend to be unpredictable and aggressive. The reason is unrecorded. However, during Fuyu, or winter, the Yokai seem to become more sluggish and slow. During Fall, Yokai proactivity drops and they become stagnant. In spring, proactivity skyrockets across the Lands.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Each individual apparition has their own capabilities to destroy their targets. Some have abilities to deceive such as shapeshifting and sound manipulation.
Yokai Types
  • Obake
These yokai are the ghasts that take the forms of humans or shapeshift into them. Obake can also take the forms of other animals they are familiar with. They are intelligent and often show respect for the intelligence of humans and other creatures. However, Obake tend to play tricks or take the forms of humans they are comfortable with to plot.
  • Tengu
A yokai that manifests as a Japanese bird monster that combines form with a human, so they tend to have long noses. Tengu are terrifying monsters that corrupt people's humility, but protect their relics to the end. Some are known to protect sacred mountains and forests.
  • Kappa
This Yokai are river monsters that drown people and spark conflict for entertainment. Kappa never decline a good challenge since staying under the waters bores them.
  • Tsukumogami
This type manifests as inanimate objects who gain sentience when they sense an opening to strike. They originally have a ghost-like appearance that can shapeshift into any object they see fit.
  • Yamauba
A type of yokai that manifests as monstrous women with an unkept appearance who lives deep in the mountains. They usually vary in age but most are recorded as old and hideous. They put up a kind facade in order to do terrible things.
  • Yurei
The most default of Yokai. They are essentially ghosts whos spirits live to extract revenge, love, jealousy, hatred, or sorrow. They are known to cause or be related to tragedy, famine, and disasters.

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