The village of Kythrogwe Settlement in Kythrogwe | World Anvil
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The village of Kythrogwe

Village is small agricultural based society that is made up of basically one giant extended family


Wealth distribution is fairly equal like what u export individually is what you get and they have like a bartering system that keeps the village connected like if someones farm is dry for a season then they can trade smth to use a portion of someone elses Kinda a socialist type society


Small town council made up of prominent citizens ho make the decisons though there is an obvious leader bartering system keeps the village interconnected

Industry & Trade

main crop is _______ which is grown on all farms alongside various other crops such as ______________________ bartering system type


lots of farmland and underground tunnels connecting all houses- seems like a underground city/merchants market below the ground- the land is always fertile and warm, so to escape the heat, populants go underground to the marketplaces and such


small yet vibrant houses on the surface alongside huge farms, every house has a passageway to the underground market which is huge and is like a giant cave system


built into a plateau mountain type thing
uhhh very small like 200? people

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