Hidden Tongue Language in Kyron | World Anvil
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Hidden Tongue

The Hidden Tongue is a form of communication used by the Gilogan Guilld of thieves in Tellefa . This language is a mix of oral and gestural communication. All of the spoken words or phrases are from Ancient High Grey Elf. Only a handful of guild members actually know the true translation of the words, but all have come to learn the general idea that they mean. As for the gestural communication, certain signals with hands and body posturing will sometimes change the meaning of a specific phrase. For example, leaning to the left before speaking will imply that whatever is being said is being monitored and to ignore the information. Whereas a wave of the right hand might signal urgent importance of the message and any actions it implies should be carried out as soon as possible.   As long as the Hidden Tongue has been around, guards and other thieves guilds have always been trying to crack the code. As such, the language has evolved slightly over time in the form of different gestures. What once a left hand salute meant, might mean the exact opposite or nothing in as little as a few weeks time. This constant evolution of gestures helps keep the Hidden Tongue hidden. The oral portion of the Hidden Tongue however tends to stay the same. Only once or twice has a phrase ever changed and even then it means roughly the same thing in Ancient High Grey Elf.

Geographical Distribution

The Hidden Tongue is spoken and gestured only by the Gilogan Guild in Tellefa. While some elder grey elves may understand the spoken aspects, they generally live far to the north and do not know the pairing of gestures.
Root Languages
Common Phrases
Al'vaden noi mey
The coast is clear
Iksa tolor
Folorin Va
Folorin Va and Any Gesture

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