Ygannea Uriran Character in Kyrn | World Anvil

Ygannea Uriran

Mistress Ygannea Uriran (a.k.a. The Flower of the Oasis)

Mistress Ygannea Uriran is the owner of the Garden of Three Fountains in the Oasis of the Zayirin in Zelcel.   Considered exotic and second in beauty only to the Zultana, Mistress Ygannea, is one of only several hundred elves that live at the Oasis. She is thought to have been the mistress of the former Zultan for a number of years, having entertained him both at her Garden, and at the palace, although she never talks about her customers to anyone.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slim like most elves, yet curvy in all the right places, most males would call her perfect, and most females would call her too good to be true.

Mental characteristics


Mistress Ygannea Uriran is the epitome of sensual sexuality. It is difficult for most men to resist her charms, although she rarely has to use all of her charms to get her way.


As the owner of the Garden of Three Fountains, Mistress Ygannea is kept quite busy making sure her customers are taken care of. it is very rare that she performs any services directly with customers these days, as her price far exceeds what most men would pay, but she on occassion does entertain wealthy foreigners who have come to the Oasis. It is whispered that the funds to purchase and build the Garden of Three Fountains were earned through her service to the former Zultans.

Intellectual Characteristics

Very smart and insightful, she often knows what a person wants before that person even knows it.

Personality Characteristics


Ygannea wishes only to keep her business running at it's best.  She once thought about being the power behind the throne, but had given that up as the Zultans she was associated with were too hotheaded to see a long-term plan to fruition.


Contacts & Relations

Mistreess Ygannea still keeps in touch with Zelradas of Záyírà the current Zultana, who she has known since her birth, although trips to the palace have decreased since her father's passing.
Current Location
Long blond
5' 11"


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