The Silk Scimitars Military Formation in Kyrn | World Anvil

The Silk Scimitars

The leaders of Zelcel have long had a harem that serves not only as entertainment and companionship, but are also trained to fight in defense of the leader and their family. This unit wasn't originally called the Silk Scimitars, although over time this name was used and adopted.



The Silk Scimitars consists not only of females, but also males, some of which are eunuchs. There are about 20 females, 10 males and 10 eunuchs at any given time, although that number increases and decrease as members are retired out and new members are brought in.


While the Silk Scimitars do not often carry weapons with them, they often are able to produce them from under pillows, or couches or other hiding places. The weapons include daggers, scimitars, short swords, and short spears. As well as hand crossbows and throwing darts. The Eunuchs often do have their scimitars in hand and they serve as the first line of defense while the remainder of the Silk Scimitars gather their weapons.


The Silk Scimitars report only to the Zultan or Zultana, but they are tasked with protecting all of the ruling family. The lead eunuch is responsible for the training and assignments of all the members of this unit.


The purpose of the unit is protection, so they will form a line to prevent access to their charges, while several will be responsible for escorting them out of danger.


Members of the Silk Scimitars are chosen around the age of twelve. They are chosen based on looks, health and intelligence.    When they are first selected for the Silk Scimitars the candidates go through years of training not only in combat and protection methods, but also in how to blend in and act while in the royal palace. They are also trained in entertainment skills such as singing, dancing, and musical instruments. They also receive training in sexual activities, although none of them are allowed to actually have sex, except with the leader when so commanded.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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