Scrolls of Nedev: Intrasession #2 - Rababtide 25, 5728 to Shaktide 22 5728 Report in Kyrn | World Anvil

Scrolls of Nedev: Intrasession #2 - Rababtide 25, 5728 to Shaktide 22 5728

General Summary

Events that have taken place in Nedev

  26th day of Rababtide, 12th Year of the Reign of Empress Sorsasta, 5728
Baron Zazar Nocroth recognises the bravery and service to him and the people of Nedev by the Heroes Tellum, Sazerac, Stor, and Xindge and gives them each 50 gold.   27th day of Rababtide, 12th Year of the Reign of Empress Sorsasta, 5728
Election for Guildmaster of the Merchant's Guild takes place at the guild hall. After the incident at the The Griffin, Baron Zazar Nocroth threw his support behind Ilic Basi. Guildmaster Basi won the election by a slim margin.     1st day of Shaktide, 12th Year of the Reign of Empress Sorsasta, 5728
Ilic Basi is invested as Guildmaster of the Merchant's Guild promising better protection for the members of the guild from those that seek to profit illegally. The feast at the Merchant's Guild House is attended by Baron Zazar Nocroth and Baroness Budua Nocroth for the first time.     5th day of Shaktide, 12th Year of the Reign of Empress Sorsasta, 5728
The manor house and property of Artin & Taraszara Corby has been confiscated by Baron Nocroth.   5th day of Shaktide, 12th Year of the Reign of Empress Sorsasta, 5728
During Church services to honor Shakah, god of Anger, Baron Zazar Nocroth seems to fall ill, and is rushed out of the Church of the Light, and brought back to the castle.     13th day of Shaktide, 12th Year of the Reign of Empress Sorsasta, 5728
Baron Nocroth is seen above the castle gate during the execution of some bandits that were caught by the Spears of Victory, an adventuring group that has been doing much to earn the Baron's favor. The leader of the group, Grimhilda Jestice, was by his side as the bandits were pushed off the Thieves' Tower to dangle on the end of a rope.     14th day of Shaktide, 12th Year of the Reign of Empress Sorsasta, 5728
A merchant ship, The Lamprey, arrives in Nedev with news that the Marchoness Sayyas the Pious, has finally selected an heir, Baron Wisym, her nephew.     18th day of Shaktide, 12th Year of the Reign of Empress Sorsasta, 5728
Lord Zazar the Younger and his bodyguard stumbled upon a young lady being attacked on their way home from the Juggling Jester. The Lady Shadsar was saved, and brought to the castle for a few days to rest and recover before returning to her townhouse. The ruffians escaped with some jewelry, but the Watch has increased patrols throughout the town.     19th day of Shaktide, 12th Year of the Reign of Empress Sorsasta, 5728
Guildmaster Ilic Basi issues a statement about the crime happening in the town and asks that the Watch do more to protect the citizens, and if it can't then perhaps Captain Ralun Silverbeard needs to be replaced.     21st day of Shaktide, 12th Year of the Reign of Empress Sorsasta, 5728
The people in the Alley district start complaining about the Watch being aggressive and overly free with their clubs. Several people are beaten and hauled off to the Thieves' Tower.
Report Date
07 Feb 2023


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