Meraj Settlement in Kyrn | World Anvil


The Meraj district is the entertainment district of the Oasis of the Zayirin.

Industry & Trade

The Meraj district has three main types of businesses in it: Entertainment; Cafes; and Craftsmen.   Entertainment is provided in several different ways. The first is the open air theatres, anchored by the Grand Theatre in the center of the district. These theatres provide plays and musical acts, as well as stages for orators and proselytizers to speak to the passing crowds. Their are no tickets to purchase but members of the troupe walk through the crowds asking for donations. Those that do not toss a coin or two, are publicly rebuked and insulted until they do make a payment, with the nearby crowd often joining in. The thought is that if you stood still to watch or listen, then you took something from the troupe and therefor should pay for it.   The second form of entertainment, and the more profitable one, is the numerous houses of prostitution in the area, the biggest being the Garden of Three Fountains. While prostitution, or specifically soliciting, is not allowed on the streets. The draping of yellow silks around the doorways indicate what can be found inside. Most of these houses are well run and maintained, and the workers are treated well and protected, but some in the back streets are not so clean or safe for visitors, although they are often cheaper.   Cafes and small taverns dot the district providing multitudes of drinking opportunities no matter what your beverage of choice is. The cafes serve small eats as well, and usually tend towards coffee, teas, and Chal, while the taverns have beer, wine and other hard spirits. Some taverns are also involved in renting rooms for an hour or so, and providing adult entertainment in them.   Lastly there are a number of craftspeople who have shops in this district. Most of them set up shops before the district began it's slide into the seedier nightlife. The shops usually close at dusk as the craftspeople do not wish to be associated with what goes on after dark. But during the day some of the finest goods can be found in these shops, ranging from gold and silver smiths to jewelers, sculptors and painters. The prices are high, not only because of the fine work that is done, but also because a night watchman is usually hired by several businesses to watch over their properties.
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Owning Organization


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