Boggers Ethnicity in Kyrn | World Anvil


The peat farmers of the Nedev region have etched out their own community based on their very differetn lifestyle than the other farmers, and especially differnt from the people who live in Nedev proper.   Boggers, as they call themselves, are an independent and rugged group of people. Living in the bogs and marshlands, and rarely heading into town except to sell PEAT, and purchase items they can not make themselves, Boggers tend to avoid most outsiders. They are not hostile to those that come to their farms and villages, but it is rare to have visitors from outside the community, and so they are cautious. In the course of a year, Boggers probably see more goblins and mushroom men then the see other Nedevians.   Boggers, being socially isolated, have developed many of their own customs and traditions, or altered those most commonly found to better match their needs and desires.   One of the more unusual traditions, is the one of not stepping foot on another's property without an invitation. When a Bogger wants to go visit another Bogger, they will stop at the edge of the property, and wait for an invitation. Sometimes they will set up a camp if they expect the waiting might be more than a few hours. In order to attract the attention of the Bogger they wish to get an invitation from, the Bogger will often sing loudly, until someone notices them and invites them to cross the onto the property. Once invited onto the property, it is often the custom to make arrangements for the next invitation, os that waiting at the property line will not be as long.   Another tradition, that is different is the Sharing of Food and Drink. Boggers do not have a lot of food to share, so when they do it is a high honor. Instead, the Boggers offer the warmth of their peat fire to guests so that they know they have been accepted as guests and have the protection of the house.   Also, Boggers do not participate in the coming of age ceremonies that the townsfolk go through. Boggers are raised to think that the only good life for a Bogger is being a Bogger. For a Bogger child to decide that they want some other life is a scandal, and the family of that child will carry that shame for a long-time. If the child can not be talked out of their foolish choice, then they are often thrown out of the house to make it own their own.


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Aug 9, 2022 19:22

What an interesting group of people these Boggers. I quite like how they don't go on the property of others unless they are invited. They must have a lot of patience to even set up a little camp. :D   Keep up the good work! ^^

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