Oso Cooperative Organization in Kruos | World Anvil

Oso Cooperative

On the southwest coast of Aridox lies the Osolet Fjord all along which are small settlements that survive, and in some cases even thrive on the abundant fish available within the fjord. The largest of these towns and the hub of all activity in this remote part of the world is the town of Osolet, the home of the Oso cooperative.   Long ago, the fisherman who settled here were wildly successful in their hauls of fish and were easily able to feed themselves and their families but found they often had to throw more fish back than they kept as the abundance in their nets far exceeded anything they might need for themselves. An enterprising young man named Clive Silverhook spotted an opportunity and spent time going up and down the fjord convincing the fishermen that they could do more than sustain themselves, they could thrive and earn enough gold to provide far more than a meager living within their community. He proposed a cooperative, where the anglers would take turns hauling their harvest to the ports in the north that would pay handsomely for their fish. Each week one or two boats would make the two week round trip to drop the fish off and return home with full purses and glorious goods from other lands.   For centuries it has been tradition in the ports of the Elding Isles, Barriholm, and even up to the Snoot have known that the Oso boats would arrive on their docks filled to the brim with fish that put almost any other catch in the ocean to shame. The Osofish have an unsurpassable reputation across the land for their delicious flavor and health effects. Few in Kruos know the name Clive Silverhook but they all have him to thank, for without the cooperative that he put together the world would have missed out on one of its tastiest resources.
Consortium, Business


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