Slintans in Kronis | World Anvil
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Originating from precursor tribes, the Slintans are known for their wealthy kingdoms that lines the western coasts of Severon. Slintans tend to excel in both their harmony with nature and medicine, as well as seafaring exploits and strategy.

Home Region: Subcontinent of Hersinos
Origin: Organized chiefdoms in 1000 BR
Presence: Resurgence
Common Religion: Gods of the Archipelago, Makan Pantheon, Western Gate Pantheon, Rhalan Pantheon   Real World Influence: the Indo-Hellenic Kingdom, Khmer, Phoenician   5e Additions:
Magic Proficiency: Air/Arcane Evocation
Non-Magic Proficiency: Medicine


  The Slintan people, occupying the west of Kronos as it were, are said to be descended from Aetian sailors. While the Aetians certainly sailed at this time, it is doubtful that any Aetian sailed as far as the Western gateway before biremes and triremes were invented in the 400s and 300s BR. It is, however, hard to deny the similarities in the cultures. Their languages share similar words and conjugations, but are otherwise of completely different dialects, accents, and speech patterns. Moreover, Slintan column-making appears more inspired and linked to other neighboring nations.  

Minor Wars

The Slintan people take their name from the prominent state - Slint - which saw dominion over most of the culture by 300 BR. In 100 AR Slint unified the surrounding cities under a single kingdom after the defeat of Pemalia to the east by a coalition. The conclusion of the war against Pemalia resulted in the Treaty of Kings, deeming the rightful sovereign of Slint, Avolita, and Tyros by extension. There was fallout among the populace as the people experienced kings for their first time - though in truth only a little different from leading chiefs. Slintan King Laskis in the 130s AR appealed to the people and promised a return to normalcy for their support in his rightful reign of Avolita land. Surprisingly this worked, and Avolita was annexed by 150 AR. In return, the rights and responsibilities of a Slintan King were legally limited.  

The Makan Empire

In the 180s AR, Slint encountered the rising Mako Empire. The Mako had fashioned their own unique type of ships which at first resembled squares sitting on the water. They were used primarily for boarding purposes, but they proved ineffective against the Slintan warships, long and keen on ramming. For 30 years, countless Makan invasions were repelled, and forced their focus to shift of Tyros, who proved less effective at repelling attacks.   In 240 AR the Mako were finally successful in making sufficient landfall on Hersinos, and so began a series of Slinto-Makan wars. By 280 the Hersinos peninsula was lost, and by 300 AR Slint was fully annexed by Mako. For the next 500 years, the Slintan people would live under The Makan Empire's rule. The Mako were harsh and intolerant at first, and as such incurred several rebellions. However these rebellions all failed, and only temporarily slowed Makan expansion to other regions. In time, the Makan mood towards Slintan people softened, and their lordship over Hersinos became generous, and even sacred.  

Recent History

By the 800s AR, Mako lost its grip of its domains and several Slintan-cultured states declared their independence. As a result, the Slintan people saw a brief resurgence as they threw off the yoke of an oppressive and occupying force after nearly 500 years.


Slintan people at first engaged in many rituals with regard to their religion - The Gods of the Archipelago. Sacrifices, festivals, ceremonies (both land and water) were commonplace. The art of ship-building is held second to only the Salkans in the prestige of Slintan culture. As such, they dominated the sea, even while within the Makan Empire. The practices were kept a secret for 100 years after Slint's annexation before becoming exposed. Even then, Makan replication of the craft and technique could not compare to a native Slintan.   The Slint people also traded extensively and exclusively with the twin cities of Cytos and Illa (Knoros), producing goods at a premium. The merchants of Cytos and Knoros formed a close bond with the people of Slint, and trade became among the chief concerns of successive Slint kings and queens.  

Fantasy Additions

The people of Slint took a different approach to seafaring. Whereas most seafaring communities discovered an nurtured their own type of waterbending, the Slint attuned with the air and airbended their sails to speed their ships, regardless of the waves. These communities turned the majority of Slintan magical culture revolving around airbending. While used primarily at sea, airbending also saw combative use in the Treshin Mountains against the monsters and giants that dwell within.

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