Aetians Ethnicity in Kronis | World Anvil
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Originating from precursor tribes, the Aetians were early mappers and settlers of Kronis' east coastal regions. They excel in seafaring, strategy, and pottery craftsmanship.

Home Region: Aetian Peninsula
Origin: Tribes dating before 1000 BR
Presence: Waning
Common Religions: Aetian Pantheon, Dominion, The Center of the World, Srian Pantheon
  Real World Influence: Assyrian, Greek   5e Additions:
Magic Proficiency: Abjuration
Non-Magic Proficiency: History
  Aetian Islander variant   Magic Proficiency: Water evocation
Non-Magic Proficiency: History


  The Aetians are the native inhabitants of the Aetian peninsula and surrounding regions, renowned for their mastery of the seas and their pioneering spirit. Their culture, rich and multifaceted, soared to global acclaim under the auspices of the mighty Seleutine Empire, a regional titan whose presence was a thorn in the side of the formidable Poscaean Empire.   The Aetian saga took a dramatic turn with the rise of the Seleutine Empire, a time when the once-disparate Aetian clans and tribes found unity. This era of solidarity lasted centuries, until the year 314 AR brought with it the thunderous march of the Morosian Empire. The conquest of the Aetian peninsula by these new overlords marked the twilight of the Seleutine era. Under Morosian dominion, the Aetians were allowed to carry on their traditions so long as they supported the military might of their conquerors.   As time flowed, a harmony blossomed between the Aetians and their Morosian rulers. The blend of Morosian, Aetian, and Poscaean influences gave birth to a vibrant new culture - the Maetians. Aetian blood ran through the veins of many a regional leader and even graced the throne of several emperors. This cultural confluence reigned supreme, particularly as the Morosian Empire crumbled and the Alexian Empire emerged from its ashes. In this crucible of change, the Maetian culture ascended, heralding a gradual eclipse of the Aetians, yet their legacy, like the eternal waves of the sea, endures in the annals of history.  


In the dawn of their history, the Aetian tribes were artisans of the earth and stone. Columns, intricately carved with the tales of their people, stood as silent guardians of the magnificent temples and stone edifices they erected.   As the Aetians evolved over time, their spiritual practices remained at the heart of their culture. Worshiping the Aetian Pantheon was a central tradition, deeply embedded in their daily lives. Their calendar was rich with rituals, vibrant festivals, and celebrated holy days, each an important part of their communal and spiritual identity.  In this dynamic cultural environment, every tradition and ceremony played a significant role, contributing to the unique Aetian life.

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