Shrine of the three Moons Building / Landmark in Kreworis | World Anvil
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Shrine of the three Moons

A shrine of the three moons is a place of worship within the jubixian religion, dedicated to the three moons that orbit Kreworis. These shrines come in many sizes, from small and simple wayside shrines, to vast and oppulent shrine complexes. Often Jubixians visit a shrine of the three moons to pray for a good night or to mourn Ucrapus, the broken moon and make a sacrifice for it.

Purpose / Function

Jubixians often visit these shrines and pray to the moons, most commonly for a restful night or protection from nightmares. Should they be traveling and encounter a wayside shrine a Jubixian will often also pray for a save and uneventful night. As a part of thier prayers they often leave a sacrifice for the broken moon Ucrapus and mourn it's breaking. While praying it is custom to light the candles of the shrine and if possible to burn some incence.


Since a large chunk from Ucrapus broke off, many shrines have set up some way to dedicate sacrifices towards the broken moon.


Like any shrine allingend with Jubixanity, the ecclestial nefadric architectural style is used when constructing a place to worship the three moons. Since the three moons are generally only of lesser importance within the Jubixian Pantheon, the level of grandure is highly dependant on the wealth of the patron who has comissioned the shrine. Generally a small shrine consists of small roofed stone alcove contianing a cloth covered altar with a metall three moon icon ontop and a few candles comemmorating Ucrapus, the broken moon, with it. Usually a plate or a bowl is set up on the altar within the alcove, to place sacrifices one wants to dedicate to the broken moon Ucrapus upon. A shrine might also have an incense bruner, hanging on a chain from the celling.


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