Aodian Capital Guard Legion Military Formation in Kreworis | World Anvil
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Aodian Capital Guard Legion

The Aodian Capital Guard Legion (also called Capital Guard or Aodian Guard) is a prestigeous force of 5425 professional guards of the Nefadric Empire and tasked with the protection of the nefadric capital Aodios.



The Aodian Capital Guard Legion is comprised of three regiments of four to five battalions each, and as implicated by the name, is of the size of a Nefadric Legion.

1st and 2nd Regiment

The first and second regiment are the main force of the legion and are made up of three sentinel battalions, one support battalion each as well as one regimental command company.
The Sentinel Battalions are primarily heavily armored crossbowmen with a few, just as heaviliy, armored spearmen.

3rd Regiment

While the other regiments consist almost entirely of marksmen, the third regiment operates and maintains the various artillery and other heavy weaponery of Aodios.

Organizational Table

  • Legion Command Company
  • 1st Regiment
    • Regimental Command Company
    • 1st Battalion (Sentinel)
    • 2nd Battalion (Sentinel)
    • 3rd Battalion (Sentinel)
    • 4th Battalion (Regimental Support)
  • 2nd Regiment
    • Regimental Command Company
    • 1st Battalion (Sentinel)
    • 2nd Battalion (Sentinel)
    • 3rd Battalion (Sentinel)
    • 4th Battalion (Regimental Support)
  • 3rd Regiment
    • Regimental Command Company
    • 1st Battalion (Fires)
    • 2nd Battalion (Fires)
    • 3rd Battalion (Fires)
    • 4th Battalion (Regimental Support)
    • 5th Battalion (Engeenier)

Battalion Structure

  • Sentinel Battalion
    • Command Company
    • Sentinel Company
    • Sentinel Company
    • Sentinel Company
    • Guard Infantry Company
  • Fires Battalion
    • Command Company
    • Artillery Battery
    • Artillery Battery
    • Artillery Battery
    • Target Acquisition Company
  • Engeenier Battalion
    • Command Company
    • Engeenier Company
    • Engeenier Company
    • Signal Company
    • Military Intelligence Company


Aodian Gargoyles

As the designated defenders of the Grand Aodian Metropolitan Walls, the Aodian Capital Guard Legion always has the support of the mighty armorclad gargoyles that tower on the walls. Allthough the gargoyles are not officaly part of the formation, they have come to be very familiar with the legion due to thier constant proximity and previous battles they have fought alongside. All this has led to mutual respect and gargoyles listening to the orders of legion officers, despite not being thier creators.

Omyhx Stalkers

Although actual contact of the formations as a whole is minimal, officers of both formations, especialy those of the thrid regiment, work closely together as to not cause blue on blue casualties due to misplaced artillery fire on friendly position. Because of the covert nature of Omyhx Stalker operations, this isn't an easy task. Capital Guard officers require a secret clearance so that they can be informed of relevant Omyhx Stalker positions, should the need arise. An example for this would be, if an ambush near the Aodian Highway is laid, or significant ammounts of hostile forces succsessfuly manuver through the Omyhx Thicket, such that bombardment should be directed at positions within the Omyhx Thicket Though fire protocols and standardized kill zones at key positions and choke points have been put in place to reduce the chance of friendly fire.
However, thier relationship isn't limited to a mere check for friendly fire. Omyhx Stalkers often assist with reconnaissance, the identification of high value targets and priority targets for bombardment such as hostile siegecraft. In general, the information of the Omyhx Stalkers is a great asset. Their reports are usualy used to verify estimated target distances, predict the movement of enemy formations and prioritize key targets.


Even the walls of our beloved Aodios laugh at the fools that are massacred in front them.
— Sergeant-Brother Rotrym Krismaris, 2nd Sentiel Battalion of the 1st Regiment

1st and 2nd Regiment

The walls of Aodios are protected by the first and second regiment of the legion at any time of the day. Though on the average day only a fraction is actually deployed, and readiness is determined by the regional threat level as assessed by the Ubodian Intelligence Corps.
Just a hiss and a life is taken, then another and another. Like a nightmarish wind littered with seemingly manseeking crossbow bolts, the first and second regiment of the Aodian Capital Guard Legion defend every centimeter of thier land with fanatic devotion and patriotism.
Should the capital be under attack, any marksmen of the first and second regiment will engage with firce and accuarte heavy crossbow fire. Meanwhile spearmen will respond to the situation at hand, accordingly. For example when the enemy tries to climb the wall, they will bombard them with rocks and small boulders or skewer them with thier spears, should they reach the top. In case the influx of enemies is to great or an assault can't be defended a wall segment is delcared contested and troops are withdrawn and the thrid regiment is informend and fire bombing comences from the nearest tower while a counter assault is prepared.

3rd Regiment

The thundering cresendo of death is the music played by the artillery orchestra of the third regiment is the standard tune to greet hostile forces. It is the first contact they'll have with Aodios, though the devestating firestorm claims many lifes. While the chaos ensues, the next round of bombardment is prepared.
Unlike the first and second regiment, the thrid regiment is stationed nearly exclusively on towers, bastions and other artillery emplacements and also only stand at the ready when danger is present within Ubos. Because of this targets for artillery engagement usually have already been spotted by the Ubodian Signal Corps, however, should the remotuscope operators of the Target Acquisition Company, which are an exception to this rule and as thier stations always are manned, uncover a hostile force, arlam is immediately rung and information is distributed through the chain of command. The artillery stations can be manned at moments notice. Once this has happened, artillery operatiors load thier weapons and engineers calculate firing solutions preemptively, while awaiting orders.


The Aodian Capital Guard Legion consists exclusively of veterans and battle hardend soldiers. Because of this training is very demanding and overseen by harsh drill officers with high expectations. Daily training is a mandatory requirement, a rather complcated shift-plan is in place to ensure defensive stations are manned at all time and is the only exception to this rule.   To facilitate all their training requirements the legion has access to the vast training possiblites of the The Royal Army Grounds of Aodios.


Logistical Support

Of the Nefadric Crown Forces, the Aodian Capital Guard Legion is a priority formation and thus receives supplies before regular formations do. This does also mean that the supply parcels guards recive are of superior quality.
Within the Capital Guard the fourth battalion of every regiment is responsible for all logistical support of their own regiment. The Distribution Company's Job to make sure that their regiment is properly supplied with ammuntion, equipment, rations and anything else they might need. They are also responsible for the armory of thier regiment.
  • Regimental Support Battalion
    • Command Company
    • Distribution Company
    • Maintainace Company
    • Medical Company
    • Guard Infantry Company
  Hence the Distribution Company they works closely with the Maintanace Company, whose job it is to keep all equipment is in serviceable condition and make repairs if this is not the case. This excludes any artillery equipment which falls into the resposibilites of the fith battalion of the third regiment, the Engineers.   One should note that all companies of the support battalions are not civilians supporting the formation but guards much like thier brothers in the other battalions, however, instead of patrolling the walls of Aodios, they carry out their duties from within the city.


The Aodian Capital Guard Legion is composed of experienced nefadric soldieres. Unlike the Aodian Metropolitan Watch, one cannot apply for selection but needs a written recomendation from their officer. It is very rare to see anybody without any first hand combat experience get recomended, even more so get accepted into the ranks of the legion.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

No infidel shall blemish our Aodios,
no enemy of Jubix shall be spared.
No infidel will oppose us,
no enemy of Jubix shall survive.
- Creed of the Capital Guard

So that Aodios and the Nefadric Empire may persist with the grace of Jubix.
- Motto of the Capital Guard

We protect!
- Warcry of the Capital Guard

Cover image: by Vertixico


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