Runners Profession in Korth A1 | World Anvil
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Runners. Often elite Scavanger Took it upon themselves to know the Drop Site as best of their ability. The ability to remember and navigate through all the trash, and waste is imperative. Drops were not highly accurate and in times, scattered across the zone. One thing was accurate though, timing.   Runners excelled at being ready to go, as if running a marathon on drop day. Some had strategic points they settle in. For alot of these, they are temporary as they work and live with another settlement. For other runners, these little "dens" within the scap, is home.   Runners are often small and athletic. Usually they are very smart and are capable of quickly disapearing into the scrap heaps. Leaping, from one junk ledge to another, climbing from low to high, sprinting across made paths. Their mission during drop day is clear to them. Be first, grab whatever may be of high value, and get out.    While some runners take the quick and agile approach, there are other methods as well. Some are simply in good shape, rather than worry about being the first ones there. Their goal is to make sure they are the first ones, or only ones to leave. Picking violence over speed.   So you see, Being a runner is a dangerous job. Not only worrying about danger from other runners, but Drop Site themselves can be very dangerous. There are countless sharp edges ready to rip apart limbs. The Shifting weight of unstable scrap is always a danger. As if the top of the piles is like riding a wave. However taking to the "ground" ins't much safer if someone is above. Watching your head and weaving through the scrap can be just as challenging.    While dangerous it is very rewarding. Often, runners are looked up to in their community. They are the closest things to heros, and superstars on Korth.



There are no qualifications to be a Runner. Althought typically runners are the elite of the Scavanger. Solo runners are at a large disadvantage, as even if they make it, they have to deal with other runners as well who will sometimes run in teams. Making solo running very dangerous.

Career Progression

Due to the Nature of the Job. Most runners don't run for long. All it takes it one good snag of a leg on a jagged edge to quickly ruin a "career" That being said even when they Don't run the drop days, they often can still be useful in taking in new runners, and teaching them their knowledge of the trade.

Payment & Reimbursement

Drop day is very important to alot of people for one reason. The Unknown. It is not uncommon to put a bounty on an item, hoping that one day a Scavanger or a runner will come across it. Weather it be a trinket item, a weapon, or a specific tool. There is always the unknown that leads runners to be well looked after by their community.
Raw Materials Gathering

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