Imperial Lawbinder Rank/Title in Korrisia | World Anvil
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Imperial Lawbinder

A Lawbinder is the judge and executioner that enforces the Overlord's Law in the Korrisian Empire. All Lawbinders stand as equals but serve under the watchful eye of the Archon of Justice, Vilrun the Adjudicator. A Lawbinder's words have inspired loyalty and bravery, but also have been used as weapons of cruelty. All decisions and tasks assigned to a Lawbinder generally impact tiers across the Empire or the Empire itself. Each Lawbinder has a particular reputation for being either fair and neutral or harsh and crass.


Generally Vilrun and the Court of Adjudication search for one who shows a high mental acuity and skill at arms or with the arcane. Lawbinders must be skilled in the battlefield of words whilst also being able to hold their own in an armed conflict. A Lawbinder must be able to debate and discuss the merits of arguments in a case, and there are often occasions where the Lawbinder must enter a conflict and subdue a number of attackers.   In most cases, Lawbinders submit recommendations to Vilrun who will then personally observe and in some occasions speak with a candidate before making the decision. Once someone is chosen, they are brought to the Court of Adjudication in order to receive the appropriate training.


The primary requirements are as follows:  
  • Registered Citizen of the Empire.
  • Have not committed any of the major violations of the Overlord's Laws.
  • Is not an Archon or other high ranking Imperial member.


Once a candidate has been chosen by Vilrun, they are retrieved by a current Lawbinder who will act as their tutor and mentor. The Lawbinder will escort them to the Court of Adjudication where they will privately meet with Vilrun himself, and be offered the appointment.   Vilrun will formally appoint the candidate in his Court, with any available Lawbinders and in some cases Archons present. One the ceremony is complete, they are given the attire appropriate of a inductee, and are immediately moved to the Lawbinder's Hall, which is the Lawbinder headquarters and training area. The same Lawbinder that retrieved them is responsible for all of their rigorous training.


The primary responsibility of a Lawbinder is to enforce the Overlord's Laws and maintain the peace of the Empire. Generally, a Lawbinder is dispatched to a location that may have seen a heavy increase in criminal activity, or is even becoming borderline rebellious to help quench the flames. Lawbinders may also be petitioned in any location they are found, a farmer who is having a land ownership dispute with a neighbor may demand a Lawbinder, but once this request is made there is no alternative, once the Lawbinder has decided their decision is final.


The day-to-day responsibilities of a Lawbinder are to handle the administrative and judicial needs of any upcoming cases. Often times, when a Lawbinder is assigned to a Tier they are seeing many cases that local barons or counts have sent their way.   The Lawbinder often meets with the Baron, Count, or Duke of the Tier to pass information on updates of the major concerns or threats in the area. While there are a relatively small number of Lawbinders, they are able to recruit their own personal forces and agents to act in their name and allow for their presence to truly be felt throughout the Tiers.   On many occasions, the Lawbinder is required to communicate any updates to Vilrun. If there's an ongoing major issue, the Lawbinder may be in communication several times a day with Vilrun. Each Lawbinder is issued a magical Speaking Stone that allows them to speak directly with their Archon.


Lawbinders are a highly respected and protected position in the Empire. While Lawbinders do not live in lavish mansions or receive piles of platinum, they receive a large amount of political clout among the nobility and the commonfolk. Lawbinders who have performed great duties may be individually rewarded by the Court of Adjudication or other Archons in the Empire. Only one Lawbinder has been awarded with a personal meeting with the Overlord, but having the ear of the most powerful being in Korrisia is a payment worth working towards.

Accoutrements & Equipment

A Lawbinder has several traditional uniforms. The main similarity between each is the official symbol of the Court of Adjudication. Different uniforms are created to suit the needs of each Lawbinder ranging from wizard's robes to heavy platemail. There are official garbs for more ceremonial events which is a set of light decorated armor, which is often worn during the ceremony inducting a new Lawbinder or an official meeting with Vilrun.  
Traditional Garb of a Lawbinder. [Image source:]

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A Lawbinder who maliciously exploits the law for personal gain rarely lasts long in their role. Several documented instances of a Lawbinder making a decision because it brought financial gain, power, or personal favor has resulted in the Lawbinder's immediate removal. If a Lawbinder also acts directly against the wishes of the Empire, it is seen as a direct attack against the Overlord.   When a Lawbinder is accused of misusing the authority of their position, they are immediately apprehended by a Lawbinder or a group of Lawbinders hand-chosen by Vilrun himself. They are then handed over to the Judicium Custodi, the elite guards of the Court. The Lawbinder will be held until Vilrun can oversee their case personally, the accusing agent or body will be present so that the Lawbinder can face their accusers. If a Lawbinder is found guilty of acting against the Empire or violating the responsibilities of their role, the sentence is often execution or tempering. In one scenario, a Lawbinder also had the memories of their time as a Lawbinder removed, and they were sent into the Shadowfell to wander for the remainder of their life a useless husk.
Civic, Law
Created by Vilrun the Adjudicator through imperial charter, signed by Overlord Aelzan
Form of Address
Lawbinder, Sir or Madam, Your Honor
Alternative Naming
Vilrun's Thugs, Blackcrests
Equates to
The Lawbinder generally equates to a head magistrate in an area, their word is law and can only be superseded by Vilrun or the Overlord.
Source of Authority
Overlord Aelzan empowers Vilrun to choose his Lawbinders
Length of Term
Related Organizations
Note: The Imperial Lawbinder is heavily inspired from the Fatebinder of the Obsidian Interactive Game Tyranny []


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