Assignment 1 - Scheduled Changes
Well, it is that time again. Time to make changes in Koria and/or Humans are Space Orcs. Since I fiddled a lot with the Chronicles in Koria and the new timelines in Human Are Space Orcs, CHANGE is a huge topic. Not only during the Age of Stars or during the Spiral Incident, but the changes we make right now. How did the Dragonborn got accepted into the community? Or the Nemeians as cuddle buddies with the humans? I mean, big ass feline humanoids who can cuddle you to death by accident? With claws and a lot more strength? Yeah, well.
So, what am I going to do? I wanna bring in those changes in the most precise manner I can and those are going to be heartbreaking. For the good and the bad.
Assignment 2 - Preparing
Summer Camp draws near and I am anxious and a bit excited. I still feel Summer Camp 2023 in my hands - no, literally, the bones still hurt sometimes - and this Summer Camp might be a bit of a slow-burner this year.
I managed to get to diamond in SC 2023, but for this year I pledge to Camp Chill and aim officially for Copper with a personal goal of Silver (pledge document already in the header). Why is that? Yeah, as said, still feeling SummerCamp 2023, NaNoWriMo 2023 (which I won) and World Ember 2023 in my bones. And the second reason is a new job starting in July without the much needed vacation, so I'm lucky if I can get to Copper. I burned out once and nobody wants that twice, amirite? During my remaining free time I need to set up my workshop (the jewelry is finally happening!) and starting to get my health back again with going to the gym and taking other meds, so there is that.
And this Summer Camp I have to look at the themes and the prompts in said themes. If it isn't fitting, it isn't happening, simple as that.
Assignment 3 - Organising
Pledge document is already in the header and I'm reviewing my organisation right now. I reschedule the organisation in Koria in a more geographic order, starting from the north and then counterclockwise. That also means: writing a lot of nations or at least the frameworks for them. Tags are already up and running and I have an Index for tags, where I store all of them and can look them up. It will get public at some point, but right now it is just a mess for my eyes only.
Assignment 4 - METAverse
My META is still up to date from last year. It hasn't changed, not even my inspiration. We are going for a dark fantasy vibe in a custom high fantasy setting and that is still my goal to develop the stories and novels of Koria. One plot is already there, can you find it? :D
So, that is my pledge, lets hop into Summer Camp and the articles, yes? Going to design an overview of my things during Summer Camp just like last year. See you there. Grab your hammer and go worldbuild!
Assignment 1: Theme Refuge
Refuge is a good theme in Koria. A welcome one. Why? Because of the
Spiral incident which caused the entire war and the demon invasion. People needed refuge, right? Safe houses, bunker, the shields of the friends. So we will explore those options and maybe hear one or two stories.
But that is not all. Koria is not a place for the light-hearted and so one is in need of protection and refuge from time to time, be it in the cities or on the road. So we are going to explore one, two, three or more options too.
Assignment 2: Accountability Buddy
I hold my Chapter hostage. And I'm normally fairly active in the Discord, so... not much to do here. Besides that I might want to ping-pong ideas from one to another with the glorious
ShadowPhoenix if her energy permits it, otherwise I'm the accountability buddy for
Alirelina, so maybe she is my buddy as well? Imma ask her, wait a sec...
Assignment 3: Styling, make it pretty, give it braids...
This isn't my first Summer Camp and over the past three years I learned a lot about styling, reading, article flow and peoples preferences. So after my Co-Worker set up the initial very clean layout I only made minor adjustments to it. Cathedris-like Disclaimer with box-shadow and stuff, new border-images for quotes and alouds, an image-wrapper in a custom container... you name it. Minor changes and if something comes to mind, it might also be a minor change.
Humans are Space Orcs might see a bit more CSS shenanigans since I only use one of the main themes of World Anvil and started to rip it apart. There could be some major changes, but we have to wait until Summer Camp starts. No idea where this leads us.
Assignment 4: CSS polishing
Like Assignment 3, there is no need for polishing my CSS, maybe minor tweaks, so even when my world is three years old, there is no need to take a sharp look at the theme and yeet it overboard. At least not for Koria.
Humans are Space Orcs might see a bit of polishing, but even there I have no idea right now what to do or what to anticipate. So we have to wait here as well.
Fluchen im Titel, Eddie, tststs ^^. Viel Erfolg und dass SC genau so gelingt wie du es möchtest und - was deutlich wichtiger ist - dass es dir gelingt, wieder gesünder zu werden.
Ich versuchs. :D