Serpents Bay and the Spawning Sea Geographic Location in Kohtalo | World Anvil

Serpents Bay and the Spawning Sea

At some point some idiots decided they were going to help the world out and make a canal from The Spawning Sea to The Dark Basin, lucky for us they started construction on the northern side of the planned canal. They managed to dig out almost a mile before construction was put to a stop, presumably because they were all eaten by a passing juvenile sea serpent.
— Jasper Cameron, Leader of the Bronze Ravens
    Serpents Bay is, as far as anyone has been ably to determine, the only place in the world that sea serpents lay their eggs.
Once the eggs hatch, masses of baby sea serpents start the largest fight of their lives as over the next several years they make their way out of the bay and through the Spawning Sea to the ocean, killing and eating most of their siblings, cousins, and more distant relations along the way. They also eat anything in or on the ocean that they can catch, which is why only the most stupid ships captains head much further west than Autumnrise.


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