Labyrinth of Locks Building / Landmark in Kohtalo | World Anvil

Labyrinth of Locks

Just because the first 2 sections of the Labyrinth of Locks are the best mapped of any Labyrinth in the world doesnt mean that they are safe. Even with the minotaurs gone the traps still get reset and there are always new monsters to move into recently vacated dens.
— Jasper Cameron, Leader of the Bronze Ravens.

Purpose / Function

Like all other Labyrinths created by Gazaath, the Labyrinth of Locks contains artifacts, magics, and creatures that gods long forgotten deemed to dangerous to be allowed loose in the world. How many sections there are is up for some debate, but records would indicate at lest 7, each with rewards and dangers greater than the last.


The first "lock" is often overlooked now. While the bottoms of a portcullis can be seen over the entrance, the pressure plate that activated the lift mechanism has been covered by a several ton half-sphere of granite for the last 350 years or so. Maze Walker has assured me that this was quite unnecessary, as even a halfling child possessed enough weight to activate the switch. I thought it was unnecessary because that granite was obviously quarried almost 500 miles away and great care was taken to carve it into a perfect half-sphere. There are several nearby boulders that would have worked just fine.
— Bet


The First Locked Door

As previously mentioned, the first lock is now often overlooked as the door remains open. Some debate that after so many years, even if one were to remove the granite from the pressure plate the mechanism is likely weathered to the point that it will no longer close. No one seems keen to test the theory though.

The Second Locked Door

In ones exploration of the relatively small first section of the labyrinth on will invariably find the second locked door. Further exploration will reveal a key attached to a chain that disappears into a hole in the wall somewhere in a nearby hallway. Pulling on the key will accomplish 3 things. The first is that it starts a 1 minute timer, at the end of which the key will be retracted back into the wall. It is best to let this happen as stronger beings than you have tried and failed to resist the mechanisms pull. Also, none of the traps are deactivated until the key is fully reset to its initial position   The second is that a panel on the door will move aside, revealing the doors keyhole. This panel will automatically slide back into place after the timer has elapsed unless the key is in place. Several adventurers have noted that it is possible to pick the lock, but should one fail to do so in time even "unbreakable" lockpicks will be destroyed by this mechanism.   The final thing that happens once one pulls on the key is a number of traps, designed more to injure and impede than to kill, will be activated between the key's location and the door. What, you didnt think it would be as straightforward as walking the key to the door, did you? Also, for those who wish to cheat, many, MANY attempts have been made over the years to separate the key from the chain, so far none have succeeded.  

The Third Locked Door

This is where gathered accounts start to differ. This door can be opened in a similar manner to the second door except for one thing. Near either the door or the key (depending on the account referenced) there is a lever, or possibly a handle. This lever unlocks a mechanism allowing the key to be pulled, and serves the same function as pulling the key at the previous door, except there is no timer. Instead, the lever (or handle) must be held in this position until the key can be placed in the door, something that becomes increasingly more difficult as time passes. Once the lever leaves the fully disengaged position the keys retraction mechanism is activated, returning both the key and lever to their initial positions. After 2 minutes, not even an Immovable Rod can hold back the lever from returning to its original position. It is also here that the first lethal traps of the labyrinth are encountered.  

The Fourth Locked Door

A pressure switch has been added to the mix. Once again accounts differ, either the pressure plate unlocks the lever, or the lever reveals the pressure plate. Regardless, there are additional traps, or possibly monsters, designed to get whoever is on the pressure plate to step off, and either stepping off the pressure plate or releasing the lever is enough to activate the key's retraction mechanism.  

The Fifth Locked Door

Two of the previous mechanisms are doubled, although which 2 is different in the few accounts we have. Regardless, there is some combination of keys, levers, and pressure plates totaling 5, with no more than 2 of a single one. At this point any traps should be considered lethal in their intent.  

The Sixth Locked Door

There exists only a single description of the sixth door in the Labyrinth. The door has a design in which 6 keyholes are each in one of 6 concentric rings on the door. there is no mention of a pressure plate or lever, but if one follows the pattern found elsewhere in the labyrinth there must be 2 additional mechanisms required to activate to open the door.
Founding Date
Pre-history, likely at the creation of the world


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