Jaccast Species in Kohtalo | World Anvil


The Jaccast are truly one of the most terrifying creatures in the world. I'm sure that, were it not for their inability to venture to far from The Ruby Bridge they would be the peak predator throughout the world. I mean, they are smarter than wolves, quieter than owls when they want to be, have armored hides, and can both fly and swim, as well as having decent mobility on land.
— Jasper Cameron, Leader of the Bronze Ravens.
  The nobles be dammed, thought Timur. We cant take a long lunch, eat on the move, if we dont make the island by night we are as good as dead, but why listen to your guide, what does he know.   Timur leaned further down on the horse he had cut free from the carts, urging it on with all his will to gallop faster. The shapes of jaccast could be seen dancing about in the crystal below, flitting shadows in the waning light of day. Up ahead he could see the Island at the bottom of the gentle slope, appearing large but deceptively still nearly a mile away. His only hope was that the jaccast would go for the much slower moving caravan that he had left behind.   Stupid, everyone always said you dont deal with nobles on a bridge run, but the gold was so tempting, Timur mused, racing on. It was somewhat of a contradiction, the jaccast and the bridge. The higher parts of the bridge on this last hill saw the sun longer, making them safe for a few minutes more each day. But that really just trapped you farther from the safety of the islands. Almost there now, if they can just stay inside a few more minutes.   Timur could see the guards beginning to set the mirrors and light torches. He was soooo close. But the gates were swinging shut. He wasnt going to make it. Even with the urging of the guards as a mirror wall formed up to try to usher him to safety he knew he was doomed. He could hear the strange whistling bark that the Jaccast gave. Soon it would turn to the howl signifying that they had found prey. But he was sooo close. The guards could save me, they have their mirrors ready, why are they retreating, surely they could leave the gate open.....     Jericho watched, shaking his head, as the silent Jaccast decapitated the rider before falling on both rider and horse. The man's mad dash had almost succeeded, he thought looking sadly at the clouds to the west, highlighted by the setting sun. Clear skies and he would have made it. Oh well, better go let the lads know we likely have a caravan to salvage tomorrow. As the gates swung shut behind him, Jericho hoped he would get to transfer soon, as the whistles and howls started to fill the night.

Basic Information


The closest thing i can compare them to besides dragons, which doesn't work for several reasons, is wolves. Some god decided it would be a great idea to take a wolf, combine it with a praying mantis, and then mold it so that it can also swim.   So yes, the anatomy. They have 4 legs and a head.   Starting at the head, it has 3 eyes, giving it a rather exceptional field of vision. These are positioned mostly forward facing as one would expect for a predator. They also have a rather prominent and sharp ridge starting just above their central eye the runs up to nearly the back of their skull. This peaks out at a rather sharp point that can be used to gut animals as they run under them, not that this is their only weapon by any means.   Moving back we next reach their forelegs. thile they can be used for mobility, it has been noticed that they are essentially running on their wrists, as their singular finger has a sharp claw made from the same crystalline material as the rest of their carapace the curves back into the open groove between the two bones of their forelimbs, allowing them to safely run on ground, but giving them the ability to flip the claw forward to slice, pierce or decapitate prey. IN flight or while swimming these claws hang down slightly from their tucked arms allowing for rather effective racking flybys.   Just above and behind the forelimbs are the wings. Probably the only weak spot on the Jaccast that is little consolation to their victims. the wings, and their armor plating in general, is thought to be very similar in construction to that of an owl in flight, as when they glide in for the kill they are nearly silent.   Their back legs are more muscled than their front, mostly for the purpose of launching them into the air for flight. But they are quite capable of outrunning the average person on ground.   Their tails are well muscled and used for balance on the ground, or as propulsion while swimming.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Jaccast are carnivores and pack predators. They subsist on whatever they can find as long as they can make it back to the Ruby Bridge before daybreak. They have been recorded taking down everything for trade caravans and Cloudtusks to juvenile Sea Serpents and small dragons.

Additional Information


It has been attempted sever times over the centuries, no successes are known.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The weed out merchants that are either stupid or greedy, so i guess there is that.

Average Intelligence

Smarter than wolves, which knowing wolves is saying quite a lot. They have shown proficiency at just about every method of hunting their is. Ambush, baited traps, even just running their prey to ground.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As with many nocturnal predators, the jaccast have excellent low light vision, astounding senses of smell and hearing, and likely a form of echolocation.   The do have a clear secondary "eyelid" that covers their eyes in the water. However, their pupils, unlike those of almost every other animal, are not capable of contracting. This is why light is such an effective defense against them as in all but the dimmest lights they are painfully blind.
Average Height
3ft (1m)
Average Weight
220lbs (100kgs)
Average Length
8ft (1.6m)
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Crystalline ruby color allowing for better camouflage on the ruby bridge.
Geographic Distribution


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