While not necessarily the most famous goblin in the world, Boblin is perhaps the most revered by the goblins themselves. No surprise there really, he and his followers helped elevate the goblins from barely functioning warring tribes into contributing members of society in a little under a century. the only other person who can claim such a feat is Maze Walker — Jasper Cameron, Leader of the Bronze Ravens
Boblin started life as far to many goblins of his time did. Born screaming into a cave barely large enough to provide shelter from the elements with a meager fire and hardly enough food to go around. A little over a week later his tribe was raided by another tribe seeking slaves to appease a local wizard. Boblin's mother (and Boblin) were captured.
Boblin's mother had been specifically targeted as she was still nursing a child, and as such could provide milk for the displacer cub the wizard was trying to tame, which coincidentally had been born the same night as Boblin. Boblin and the displaces beast grew and were weaned together. While it can be argued that the wizard was successful in taming the displacer beast, it is far more accurate to say that Boblin and the animal formed a bond, one that would continue for the rest of their lives.
The wizard, however, was not entirely stupid and decided that Boblin could be used. So at the age of 4, Boblins education started. He learned common, as the wizard did not like speaking goblin and did not want to waste a spell each day just so they could understand each other. Boblin took to his lessons with a fervor that surprised the wizard. Eventually, he had to withhold lessons and lock up his books offering them as rewards for when Boblin had completed tasks or chores.
The displacer beast and Boblin made quite the effective hunter-gatherer duo for the wizard, and he grew somewhat lax in supervising their lessons. As the wizard imparted more tasks to them so he could focus more on his research, Boblin was allowed to venture farther out around the compound on hunting trips and occasionally trade with tribes and other trappers in the area.
Problems arose when Boblin learned of slavery in a book (admittedly on one on binding summoned demons to ones will). Seeing parallels to this and what his mother had told him of his early life before her disappearance, Boblin started to plan, for he had seen by this point that compared the the other goblins he briefly interacted with (the longest since his mother had been in the compound for almost 2 whole weeks before "moving on") he was very intelligent and better equipped to survive the world at large.
For 10 more years Boblin served the wizard. Then one night, Boblin decided that he knew enough. He poisoned the Wizards food and killed him and assumed control of the local constructs. Afterwords he went to the closest goblin tribe and, after besting their chief in combat, moved them into the wizards compound.
The next several years saw Boblin following a pattern. Educate his new tribe members; a task completed rather quickly, as goblins, it turns out, have a thirst for knowledge and experimentation that very nearly matches that of gnomes, if less tempered by caution. Once their education was complete, help build a village for that tribe and help them establish themselves as less heathens and more members of civilized society. Find a new tribe and repeat.
The other thing of note is that many goblins wondered about Boblins constant guard and companion, the displacer beast now named Inkohliso. Boblin would tell them what he knew of his own history. This bit of knowledge was the boon or but of goblin towns the world over (as after about 10 years, the "civilizing" of goblins started to spread exponentially). Though often lacking the numbers and coordination of cavalry formations comprised of horses or
Hauler Tortoises there is something to be said for goblin cavalry, which have been recorded riding into battles on menageries ranging from the (now typical) displacer beasts to Crag Cats and Owl Bears.
Others have reportedly tried the goblins methods, but whether due to some inherent magic in the goblins, or some other reason, there have been no reported successes.
Boblin became a fairly accomplished spell
Caster having kept ownership of the wizards compound where he was raised, and continued his work with Inkohliso as his companion until dying at the age of 93 in the year 4273. Well, allegedly, Inkohliso and Boblin disappeared at Midsummer and have not been seen since... unless you believe in chasing rumors.
Ah, yes, wall of text. My eyes hurt already! No, but I will be serious, the article is good when I read it. Aesthetics is not all but helps a lot. Filling out the sidebar would make it easier or make it so that the text fills out the page by taking away the sidebar completely. This story that one reads is fun and interesting! It took some turns and one wants to continue reading and know more about Boblin the Goblin. Some errors with spelling but fixable with aid of a thorough reading or "copy-paste" into a word processor.
You are welcome to explore Nimenra, a world in conflict between Humans and Demons.
My summer camp articles and half-finished pledge document: Summer Camp 2022
Thanks for the read and the feedback. Sadly a lot of my SC stuff will suffer from "wall of text", at least until after the awards ceremony. I was really pressing for diamond and didn't quite find the time to go back and "pretty up" the articles. I'm glad people are liking the story of Boblin, it is definitely something that will be expanded upon when I have the chance.
I understand the pressure to get to diamond when one wants to. I have several articles that are the same where the time was just not there and one just went along with it to get to diamond. Still, you did a great job with the story and should feel proud!
You are welcome to explore Nimenra, a world in conflict between Humans and Demons.
My summer camp articles and half-finished pledge document: Summer Camp 2022