Orhzujna Character in Known Universe | World Anvil
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Orhzujna (Or-oo--na)

(a.k.a. The Sovereigns' Herald)

As we are to destroy the weak for the world's improvement, it's our place to vanquish the strong for the enhancement of our own attributes. Only if we prove to be their betters, they will follow our steps and give us their blood.
— Excerpt from a Sovereign's axiom.]
Orhzujna's mother was a raised in a tribe of The Sovereign and she was took the oath of raising one of the four conquerors destined to spread their beliefs through the universe.   The origins of the father are unclear, but he was probably part of another tribe of the same religion, or a civilization conquered by them when he was very young.   What we know is that her people conquer his at some point, and he was proud of having been chosen to be the father of one of the Heralds.
  Their only child was proud as well. She worked hard to learn what she needed to fulfill her role, and she never stopped trying to do that.   She learnt to use eight languages, 59 types of weapon, uncountable spells and her enemies fears to destroy them and turn them into followers. She ventured out of the Eighth World of Grista when she was just 15 years old, and twelve months after the Community had listed her as a threat for the general peace.   They would do their best to chase her away from the cities she invaded, but every time she left with new followers and leave deep wounds in the civilizations she had conquered.   Eventually she went to the only settlement in Zohmi, where she was eaten by an essence thief that considered her a threat for her Mobe.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

172 successful incursions to a wide variety of civilizations in different worlds. While she would leave the places as soon as The Community interfered, her mission there was done: she had given the message.

Failures & Embarrassments

She only lost two wars (and every lost battle involved great opponents that she would eventually crush), but both were quite embarrassing. Not that she had to worry about the second one.   Now she'll never have the chance to go against the Enlightened Worlds Community, which she thought was the last enemy to conquer and absorb.
Lawful Evil
Current Status
657 Co 705 Co 48 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Carefully planned
Circumstances of Death
Kind of stupid, if you think about it.
Eighth World of Grista
Place of Death
Long, curly, pinkish black.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rosey Pale
1.54 m
The Sovereign
Oh, no, the armies are for slaughtering the weak. A world as strong as this one, needs to be destroyed from its core, with precision and a personal touch. And ancient magic, of course, but all in due time.
— Orhzujna, about Ogha


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