Ogha's common crow Species in Known Universe | World Anvil
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Ogha's common crow

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Originary of Glacial forest, they can survive only in places with extreme cold, but they eggs require very specific conditions that only seem to be found around Ice Nests.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are carnivorous, and hunt in groups. They fly "alone" but keep each other on sight as they look for prey (usually big mammals and sometimes reptiles, never small creatures). When one of them detects a weak or lost target, they slowly gather to set traps or play tricks on the creature to hurt or exhaust them until an attack is viable.

Biological Cycle

They change feathers once a year, but the old ones won't start falling until the new ones are fully grown. In the period previous to the shedding, the bird will look particularly fluffy and avoid activity as much as possible, even to the point to stop hunting for a couple of days.


As other species with the name, the oghense crow is quite smart and enjoy company. They don't only stay in flocks for safety and hunting, they are able to have fun together and even comfort each other if needed.   If they lost their group they may be wary of other species and while they hunt any "stranger" with the right size is prey. In other circumstances they will be friendly with any creature, and develop a connection with those willing to. While they first mean to communicate with their kind is smell, they will usually learn gestures specifically to interact with other species.   Nevertheless, they will change this friendly behavior and turn into fierce murderers at any display of aggressiveness from an unknown creature.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While they are basically deaf and there is no data about their sense of taste or tact, this creatures are relatively famous for their notable smell and an hybrid vision that has proven to equally keen in a bright day on the snow, the most furious storm, or at the darkest of nights.   According to experts, they rely on their eyes to detect and target their prey, and mostly ignore the smell sense while they hunt. Instead, they use it to assess age, health, whereabouts and even the mood of their peers and other friendly creatures from other species.   People say that these crows can see magic, and even if their eyes don't seem to have any kind of receptors for that, there is no doubt that they have some way to recognize spells before they have effect.

Geographic Distribution
Glacial forest
Immemorial Plane

Conservation status

An unexpected appearance, an inaudible voice
The oghense crow looks a lot like others with the name around the universe, except for one thing: it is bright white.   By controling the angle of their feathers, they may reflect the light in different ways, to become almost invisible in the whiteness of the forest, or to shine in a way that can be easily noticed by the keen eye of their peers, and to warn possible predators to stay away. While they truly feel menaced, they are most likely to opt for the former and use their smell to call for help instead.   Their voice is reserved for even bigger threats. They can only emit one, high sound, that is inaudible for human but can easily cause damage to the ears and brain of many animals and people. Curiously enough, several percipients had confirmed the theory of them using their voices only when their lives depends on it.


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Dec 17, 2022 04:53

Very interesting animal. I like the thing they do with their feathers, and, how works it smell alarm?

Bienvenidos a | Welcome to Eiláar
Dec 17, 2022 08:02

They produce a very strong smell that can be recognized by other crows, even from very long distance, because their smell sense is that good... Now that I think about it, if this wasn't Ogha I would say the downside of that sense is that they can be overwhelmed by strong smells close to them, but apparently the predators in Ogha have no weakness so they can somehow deal with those too XD