Mapvember in the Known Universe in Known Universe | World Anvil
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Mapvember in the Known Universe

Yesterday (october 31, 2021) I was surprised to find a new challenge in the WA discord server. At first I was kind of sad, because it was about maps, something I would like to learn a bit about, but November is already taken (Any wrimos in the room?).  

I wouldn't create a map in a day even if I had the full 24 hours free. And if I take one prompt, I'd probably be lost in that activity very soon. So I stop myself from reading the conversation in that channel, and went back to... what was I doing? Oh,well it doesn't matter.   That inner voice was talking nonsense, as usual. The World Anvil's version of Mapvember has a place for writing.
Don't hit that download button to put the list of prompts in your desktop! Don't get distracted! Bad writer, bad!
— That demanding but obviously ignored voice that want's me to work in one thing at a time.

So, here's the plan:

  I'll make small articles (maybe even incomplete articles) following the prompts, and I'll come back to them as needed in the next month. It won't distract me from the current plan. Quite the opposite: it'll add up to the NaNoWriMo wordcount. It'll give me an excuse to escape from editing when I feel frustrated, right?  

Articles created following the prompts:

  1. (2) A throne room: Underground Palace in Kren
  2. (4) A cupola: Hais Nation
  3. (21) A natural source of light: Sentient rock
  4. (3) A tradition that takes place behind a screen: Steps
  5. (11) A laboratory or place of science and academic pursuit: Research facility in the Ninth World
  6. (5) Stained glass (but not really): Nidauvie
  7. (1) A bridge that connects two important places: Enharae
  8. (8) A material that is stored in barrels: Idob
  9. (26) A plant which grow seeds in a pod: Bivio Tree
  10. (12) An hotel famous for an excellent night's slumber: The Quiet Inn
  11. (30) A bay know as a place of hospitality and entertainment: Roistering Bay
  12. (24) A famous body of water: Thirteen World of Grista
  13. (25) A machine or mechanism important to daily life: Eleventh World of Grista
  14. (14) A workshop that creates an important common item: The Market's twelfth floor (I'll probably go back to write the other floors someday.)
  15. (19)A place of medicine: Fhorn's estate
  16. (15)A municipal garden... or public, at least: Green Spring garden
  17. (7) A building know for its number of stairs steps: Kren's History Museum
  18. (28) Dangerous location difficult to escape: Not exactly a desert
  19. (17) Mess (not really military): Limiet
  20. (18) A cemetary: in the The garden of oddities
  21. (16) A communal hall:Original Kren's Palace
  22. (27) And altar: More like a definition of the two kinds of Nature's temples
  23. (20) A famous public room or chamber:Society's premises in Ogha
  24. (29) A large cliffside or dangerous drop: First Death Mountain

And, in case of emergency:

If a prompt is waaaaay too perfect for certain topic in the Nameless Country world, or an existing article of the Known Universe, I'll probably end up writing in there. I'll avoid that if I can, but, just in case, I'll put those in a different list:  
  • Nothing yet. Maybe never. We'll see.


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Nov 2, 2021 02:29 by Jennifer Tsan

Fellow Wrimo here! I like the idea of Mapvember articles contributing to the NaNoWriMo word count. After all, it's related to the project, right?! :) I think I'll do that too. Best of luck to you!

Author, forever-DM, hobbyist language learner, bullet journaling enthusiast, relatively sane cat lady. Check out my stuff!
Nov 2, 2021 05:43

Hello! Yes, it makes sense to merge both. Good luck for you too!