Sand Demon Species in Kingdoms of Peregon | World Anvil
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Sand Demon

Basic Information


The Sand Demon has the look of a hulking giants upper body, with large humanoid arms with feline claws on each end of them. It's head is a faceless mess of sand, which looks humanoid enough but with two curved horns sticking out of it's head, around the sides like that of an angry bull. It's legs are also nonexistential and rather a near floating mass of sand that resembles either an elemental or a snake, though it's hard to tell at times.   This demon has no internal organs or structures. They're a purely magical anomaly with a singular heart of wire and cogs. This core is not elemental in nature and confused many a demonologist researchers, untill a local engineer came by and discerned that the core is actually a casing of coils supposed to store the souls of the damned, thus making them a magical anomaly based on Coiltech

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

While this demon's face is in neutral states completely faceless, it can still form horrible jaws filled with rows of sharp and sandy teeth that can grind people to little pieces. Technically they would be able to form noses, ears and eyes as well, though as the jaws function as nothing else than another weapon in their arsenal, it's quite pointless.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

While the majority of Sand Demons can be found within Develus dunes, there's still no shortage of them within the deserts of the Mortal Realms, a souvenir from the demonic hordes one might add. Potentially they could exist in any larger mass of sand, like a beach for example but not within a childrens playground, as long as one of the cores are magically attuned to the sand and dug down underneath it's grains.

Average Intelligence

Even though they are run by mortal souls, Sand Demons are not intelligent beings at all. They seem to work by primal rage alone and have no understanding of any other instinct than search for anything that dares breathe and destroy.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Even though the Sand Demon is clearly blind, deaf and completely lacking in all the other senses, it is still able to percieve the footsteps and forms of weight on creatures that walk on it's nearby sands. The demon is also highly sensitive towards magic and can both wield wind and fire magic, as well as discern the lay of the land through mystral sight.

Civilization and Culture


The background behind the Sand Demons was as simple as they come. Some demon thought, what if we can manipulate the sands to rise in shape and cause chaos. At such the Sand Demon was born a most successfull instrument, being especially efficent in dealing with enemy warmachines and vechiles as the small grains of sand can pass through small openings and pool into the inner workings of a machine, to break them.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Infernus arenae
Hell - Develus
Average Height
Average Weight
Around a ton
Average Length
Average Physique
Always built like bricks.
Geographic Distribution


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