Koalholme Settlement in Kingdoms of Peregon | World Anvil
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The city of Koalholme is mainly populated by the warrior cultures of Greyhammers and Mimr with a smaller fraction of Galenvetr who oversee most engineering and defences of the city and Sigilstone Fortress above.


Koalholme is run by a council of nine and their leading Kneug who sets the law and regulations for the city. This council of nine often walk around the streets and different inns and taverns, when they are not on political missions, to gather informations from the local crowds and populace. These agents do not require guards either, as Koalholme's government is beloved in the city and it's inhabitants would gladly aid them should any issues arise.   This respect for their leader isn't founded on blind loyality, far from it. Considering their Kneug is the one tasked with ensuring the fortress above is in good condition and morale. If this fortress should fall and the invading force pass through Sigilstone to the rest of Vithrine, he is to blame. As the city lurks right underneath the fortress, their cultural heritages of history, art and memories could be threatned as well, which makes it very important for them to cooporate.


Within the city caverns, the inhabitants have a large mining, smithing and engineering operations running. Large drills can be seen carefully expand their under-empire while the materials gathered during the operations are sent directly to being made into concrete for their buildings, steel and other metals for their warmachines and much of the stone goes to the crafting of stone tablets and statues.


Krigarsroad is known as the warrior's quarter of the city and is formed like a great circular road in the city center. It works like a great checkpoint where statues of old champions and heroes line the walls with plenty of barracks, headquarters and checkpoints. In fact, the entire street could be considered a massive checkpoint for outside visitors to be met with a smiting of national pride and glory.   Elders distrikt works as the history district. This half-circle on the right of Krigarsroad a large and open hollow which leads into several catacombs and libraries were the busts and statues of the dead lies preserved with books and stone carvings of their many deeds. Within concrete stations that sprout like little flowers from all over the place, one may ask the many working Mimr within about the history and wisdom they've collected.   Galenvtr distrikt is found in the southwestern quarter of the circular city. This district is infamous for sudden explosives and biochemical experiments running rampid. Lurking in the shadows with the song of cogs and machines whirling ever on, this is the part of the city where the mining operations, engineering and warpforging is conducted, along with research and less than savory experiments on any hostile creature that accidently got to close to the city.   Koaltron is found in the northwestern most part of the city and serves as an underground public park, combined with the local university, parliament and also the great throne which the Kneug sits upon. The three hundered steps to his throne is guarded by two soldiers for each step and anyone might make the climb to seek an audience with him.   Mjödhall resides underneat the Koaltron and is considered a leisure district, where all the taverns, inns and bars can be found.
Inhabitant Demonym
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