Imp Species in Kingdoms of Peregon | World Anvil
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"If a domesticated cat and an imp had a fight, I'd lay my bets on the cat."
  -Some Demonologist


General appearance

  The imp very closely resembles a miniscule grown person, adorned with horns on their head and a long but slim tail about the same length of their body. Their faces have an ever wicked grin painted across them, with dark hollow eyes that always seem to be up to some form of nonsense.
  Standing about half the size of the average human, the imps have thin bones within their limbs and a weak neck, with a muscular anatomy that is little to brag about, as any human child in their early teens could easily break their bones if they tried hard enough. Not even the imps claws are much of a threat, as they can barely do much more damage than the average housecat. It's reach for the imp's body is however slightly impressive, as their four fingers and arms are long enough that they could use their arms instead of legs, while their knees are shaped like birds, which allows them to jump great lengths and sprint short distances with the haste of a slow projectile.
  Furthermore, the imp is covered in a red, brown, green or blue cover of hair, that stretches from their kneecaps to their midriffs and shoulders to their elbows, with small patches of hair on the back of their hands, and around their obsessively long ears.


  The imps have always been a major part of the forces of hell, though still nobody really knows from where they first originated. Their good hearing and great eyes which work both in the light of day and darkness of night have many demonologists assume that they come from some realm's underground, like mountains or cavesystems. Likely on a realm with a lot of fire, seeing as they're completely immune towards burning and has an affinity for pyromancy.
  Their mischevious and craven nature makes their abilities near worthless though, as the imps seem to completely lack consequental thinking and are pure evil even for demonic standards. They betray without care, are perpetual liars and always mock and annoy others in cruel and morbid manners, even though an angry child who mistake them for a toy could easily rip their heads off in a tantrum fit.
  Hence, imps are often outcasts of demon society and lives in the outskirts of their bases and cities, often drawn to firey places where they make their nests.
  imps are most infamously used in the demonic armies by intimidating large scores of them to rush smaller bands of adventurers, cause wildfires and attempt to burn villages down, accompanied with suicide squads sent right into enemy armies in an attempt to cause as much chaos and confusion as possible, before the real forces can engage. The only problem with this is, while the singular imp is a fearfull and easily manipulated thing, in larger groups when overwhelming odds are on their side, they can turn into a storm of claws and flames which are just as inclined to attack their demon masters, as the mortal forces, depending on what serves their continued existance best.


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